10: Baby baby

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This was requested by the lovely Felicity.


Shit. I'm pregnant. At 18 years old. What was I going to tell Jack? He won't want to be held down by me.

He won't even have time to raise a child! He's 19 and living his dream.

I signed out of nervousness setting the positive test down.

What am I going to do!?
What if he leaves me?!
What if he won't be here for the baby?!

All these unanswered questions swarmed my mind, causing me to get a head ache.

Jacks at the studio with the boys right now, and be won't be back till later tonight.

Which gives me plenty of time to figure things out.

* Skips some time *

I heard the front door open, and then my boyfriend came in closing the door behind him. He saw me and smiled.

"Hey baby" he said making his way towards me, taking his jacket off.

"Hi Jack." I said a little nervously as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

He pulls swat from the hug and looks and Mr worriedly.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I signed, really wanting to tell him about the baby.

"Jack, you promise you'll always love and be there for me right?" I asked quietly. He gave me a confused look.

"Of course Felicity." He said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Why? What's wrong baby girl?" He asked hugging me tighter.

"J-jack," I stumbled upon my words becoming a shaking mess. I really didn't want him to leave me.

"I'm pregnant.." I said softly not looking up at him.

A moment of silence passed, he was probably processing what I had just told him.

"You're pregnant?!" He asked in shock. I felt my heart break into a million pieces, not sure what he was thinking nor how he was feeling.

"Baby that's great!" He said happily lifting me off my feet.

"I'm going to he a dad!" He smiled big , spinning us around. I laughed and smiled seeing how happy his was.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He said sweetly putting me down on my feet, and getting down to his knees so he was facing my stomach. He lifted up my shirt just a little and placed a soft kiss above my belly button.

"Hey little monkey. Its daddy, and I can't wait to spoil you rotten. You better not give mommy any trouble." He said before placing another soft kiss to my tummy, before getting back up and kissing me passionately.

"I love you so much Felicity."

"I love you too Jack."

Jack Johnson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now