7: Mine ||smut||

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This was requested by the lovely Ghina❤ I hope you enjoy, and this is my first smut writing so I apologize if it isn't very good.

Jack watched me like a hawk as I talked to one of my close guy friends, Seth.

I knew he was jealous, just by the look in his eyes and how he would ball his fist whenever Seth made me smile or laugh.

I wasn't trying to make him jealous, I was simply just catching up with my friend whom I haven't seen in forever.

Seth continued to blab on about how great in life he was doing, I don't even know. I wasn't listening to him. I simply nodded and smiled pretending to listen and be engaged in the conversation.

"And I got the job, which was fantasic." Seth went on.

"Oh that's lovely" I smiled politely and saw Jack in the corner of my eye fooming looking over at us.

Oh gosh.

Seth reached for my hand grabbing it .

"Are you even listening?" He asked, I opened my mouth to say something but Jack cut me off. I didn't even noticed he was making his way over to us.

Jack pulled me away from Seth by my waist. He smirked over at Seth.

"Well we need to go now, so say goodbye to your friend Ghina." He said sternly looking me in the eyes.

I nodded my head slightly, I wasn't afriad but I never saw Jack so demanding. I turned over to face Seth.

I smiled politely at him and he gave me a confused look.

"Bye Seth, it was lovely seeing you." I smiled. And turned back to Jack. He didn't even let Seth say anything back and pulled me out the small house party.

He ran over to his car dragging me along. I got in quickly not wanting to make Jack anymore mad then what he was.

The car ride was fairly silent, all was heard was the faint noises of the radio playing songs.

Once Jack got to our shared apartment he quickly got out and opened the door for me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him once we were out the car.

"You know you're mine." He whispered in my ear sending chills up and down my spine.

"Why were you flirting with Seth?" He whispered again kissing behind me ear.

I moaned quietly, he smirked beginning to kiss down to my jaw line.

He sucked lightly on my skin before pulling away leaving me wanting more.

"Jack." I whined. He looked me in the eyes, his eyes becoming a darker blue.

He grabbing my hand and lead me inside and pushed me against the front door. He pinned my hands above my head.

He once again began to kiss and suck on my neck, for sure leaving marks tomorrow. I moaned as he continued to suck and leave love bites on my neck.

He hands made their way to my waist and gripped them tightly. I tangled my fingers in his blonde hair.

"Jump" he whispered against my neck. I did as told and wrapped my legs around his torso and he held a tight grip on me. He carried me to our room still kissing my neck.

He threw me onto the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. He came over to me and slipped his hands up my shrit. And in one swift movement , my shirt was off. He moaned at the sight of me in my bra. He moved his hands to my back and unclipped my bra tossing it somewhere.

His lips made way to my breast and sucked on the skin leaving hickeys and love bites. I moaned as he did so , so he would know he was pleasuring me. He kissed and sucked all the way down to the rim of my pants. He quickly took of my pants just leaving me in my panties now. He smirked up at me, turning me on even more.

Hus fingers hooked my panties and took them off swiftly. He spread my legs and moved closer to my heat. His hot breathe against me was enough to drive me crazy.

"Do something baby." I moaned in frustration.

He obeyed my orders and inserted his finger inside of me. I moaned instantly at the feeling arching my back off the bed. He began to slowly pump his finger in and out of me leaving me a moaning mess. He picked up his pace up pumping his finger in and out of me.

"Fuck Jack, I'm gonna cum" I moaned closing my eyes tightly getting closer to my high.

He quickly pulled his finger out of me before I could release. I looked down at him giving him a confused look.

"What the fuck Jack?!" I said frustrated needing him more and more. He didn't respond to me and pulled his pants down along with his boxers.

I moaned at the sight of him. His erection hitting his lower stomach. He positioned his tip at my entrance and looked me in the eyes before slamming into me. I moaned louder then expected.

He wasted no time and began to thrust into me fast and hard. I clawed at his back leaving marks, he didn't mind though.

His kept slamming into me , as he groaned and moaned.

"Fuck Ghina you feel so good." He moaned going deeper into me hitting my G spot. I moaned really loud at the feeling.

He reached down to my clit and began rubbing roughly as his thrust became sloppier and harder. I closed my eyes being a moaning mess.

"I'm gonna come" I managed to breathe out.

He continued slamming into me and rubbing my clit, "let it go baby girl." He groaned.

And with that I released my juices all over him. I felt him shoot his liquids inside of me as he pulled out groaning and breathing heavily. He came down to my heat once again and started licking up his mess he made.

He sucked and licked all around my clit making me moan his name loudly.

Once he finished cleaning up the mess he technically made he came up by me.

I smiled at him with my breathing off.

"Fuck, I love you so fucking much." I breathe out.

"I love you too baby, you're mine. And only mine." I giggled knowing why he said that.

"Is Jack jealous?" I teased pecking his lips.

He just laughed. I got up off the bed. He looked over at me.

"Where you going Ghina?" He asked.

"To shower, coming?" I smirked, his eyes light up and smiled.

"Fuck yea." He said quickly getting up and chasing me into the bathroom.

I hope you enjoyed it Ghina!

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