8: Leaving you pt 2

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This is continued from Leaving you. So make sure you go read part one first. Which is chapter 5. ;))

Y/n p.o.v

The next day, my mom made breakfast for me and Gina both.
I was planing on going to get the things that belong to me from Jack and I 's house. I can't be with him anymore, it isn't fair that Gina has to hear constant fighting from her parents. Its isn't healthy for me nor Jack to be always screaming as well.

I kissed my mom and Gina goodbye, I didn't want to bring Gina with me just in case Jack and I fought. I didn't want her to have to see us yelling.

Once I got in my car, I drove off to the house where I raised Gina in with Jack, the house where we all shared happy memories, the house where we made a family. I started to tear up, it was then that I realized, I can't leave Jack. I love him too much.

I quickly got out the car and ran up to the front door and quickly walked inside. It was a mess.

There was shattered glass everywhere and a few open beer bottles here and there. But I didn't see Jack.

"Jack?" I called out softly as my voice echoed throughout the house. I heard sniffling from upstairs. I quickly but quietly followed the noise.

It lead to our shared room. I open the door softly and my heart broke seeing the love of my life on the floor looking at our wedding day photo album. He didn't notice me.

"Oh, Jack." I said softly as my heart broke into pieces. He looked up a bit startled, I could tell. Even in his worst state he was still so handsome and perfect. His crystal blue eyes were blood shot red and his normal rosy cheeks were tear stained.

I slowly walked over to where he was and sat down besides his. He kept his eyes on me not saying a word.

"I'm so sorry y/n." He finally managed to say. His voice cracked a bit as tears formed in his beautiful blue eyes.

"I should've treated you better, you and Gina deserve so much, and I haven't been there for you like a husband should be." He said as tears slowly rolled down his beautiful face.

He opened his mouth to continue his apology but I cut him off by kissing him passionately.

He was taken back by my sudden movements but obviously he kissed back.

Our lips slowly moved in sync with each other and he smiled into the kiss.

I smiled back into the kiss, slowly climbing onto his lap. He snaked his arms around my waist as we continued to share a passionate make out session.

I pulled away slowly pressing my forehead against his as our lips brushed against each others and our breathy was unsteady from our previous actions.

"I love you so much." I said softly.

"I love you too princess." Jakc said before kissing me again passionately. I didn't hesitate and kissed back. Slowly he got up holding me in his arms not breaking the kiss.

We stood there kissing for a good 3 minutes before he pulled away to catch his breath.

He smiled at me.

"Lets go get Gina and my things." I said rubbing my fingers through his soft blonde hair. He nodded.

I couldn't just toss my perfect life away, Jack is the best husband I could ever ask for. And he is such a good father to Gina. Yea, he slips up sometimes. But nothing can possibly break this family.

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