Chapter 2 - england call up

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It was a sunny afternoon and I was sat in my living room with Guro, we were both in a comfortable si en ce with the tv on. I wasn't really paying attention to the tv as I was waiting for a very specific call, it was a call to go to the England camp. I was visibly Nervous and could barley sit still so I decided to go get a glass of water in attempt to calm my neves.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. "ELLA! YOUR PHONE IS RINGING!" I heard Guro shout from the living room. I froze, I didn't know what to do. I quickly put the glass down on the counter and sprinted into the living room I then saw the caller ID, it was just Millie. I answered the phone wondering what she would want to talk about. "Hello," I said into the phone
"Hey, you alright," Millie replied in the most calm voice. almost too calm for her, especially on a day such as this "yeah I'm fine are you ok?" I asked
"Yeah I was just calling to tell you... I GOT CALLED UP!" I heard Millie shout down the phone
"Oh my goodness congratulations," I said exited for her and realising that I was still to come as my last name was Youngs and hers was Bright I knew that if I got called up k would be the last person to be told as Y was one of the last letters in the alphabet.

I hung up the phone and sat down, Guro came in the room with two waters. "Hey, what was that about?" She asked "oh it was nothing just Millie letting me know she got called up for the team," I replied
"Oh well at least you know the calling process has started," she replied

I didn't just want to go to camp because of the football and playing for England, I also want to go because it had already been announced that Leah Williamson would be that captain. I was really hoping to get into the team so that I could get closer to her and maybe shoot my shot. It was stupid to think I would ever get a chance to be with her, she didn't even know I existed.

I waited in the living room scrolling through instagram with the tv playing in the background. It had nearly been two hours since Millie called me, I was starting to wonder if maybe I didn't get selected. Then my phone rang I looked at the caller ID, it was Sarina. I answered it. "Hello," I said with a shaky voice "hello, is this Ella Youngs?" She asked in a confident voice that was quite the contrast to my nervous one "yes, yes it is," I said
"I would just like to let you know that you have been selected for the England camp," she said as I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. "Thank you," I said relieved and very exited she hung up the phone and I screamed with joy. Guro came running in "what? Is there a spider?" She said in a panic
"No, no, no, I got called up for the England team," I said this time we both screamed in excitement.

I then realised we would be playing against each other, as Guro played for the Norwegian national team.

It was about a day later when my suitcase arrived with all my England kit. I tried everything on and packed it all away. I was so exited for England camp and couldn't describe my enthusiasm to go out there and show that I could play in the euros.

As the days rolled by I went as mg normal routine of getting up and going to training each day. Until the day finally came it was international break, meaning I was finally going to St George's Park for England camp.

I grabbed my bag and went outside to my tact which was waiting for me. It seemed silly for me and Millie to take different taxis as we lived so close to each other, so we picked her up on the way. Let's just say I felt very sorry for that taxi driver having two noisy footballers in the back of his car.

We arrived at SGP and made our way past the media crew and waved on our way in. I got to a table with the envelopes for our room keys in and found my name. I had no clue who I was rooming with as I didn't really know many people other than Millie Fran and Beth, but they were all sorted in their own rooms so it would be a surprise

I walked up to my room and as I walked in it was empty. I scammed the room quickly and realised someone had been in here but obviously left before I could say hi. I looked at the bad closest to the door and saw someone had put their back on it, presumably to claim it. Luckily I prefer having the bed at the other end of the room. I went over and put my bag on my bed and saw a name on the other suitcase. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, It's said in white letters 'Leah Williamson' I was sharing with the captain and more importantly my crush.

I was stunned I froze then I heard the door handle move. I put my bag on my bed as the door handle still moved but no one came in, I decided to go over to the door and look through the peep hole. I saw Leah Williamson trying to get her keycard to work, her long blonde hair perfectly tied up and her lovely blue eyes that I could practically drown in. I stopped looking through the peep hole as I heard knocking. I waited a few moments to open the door so it didn't seem like I was watching her through the peep hole.

As I opened the door she smiled "hey," she said very normally and unsurprised I was her roommate "hi," I said back confused "what happened to your key card?" I asked
"Must of put it to close to my phone and wiped it, I'll just go get another from reception. God that's gonna look amazing me, the captain wiping her keycard in the first hour of being here," she laughed
"Here," I said giving her my keycard "have mine I will go get another one."
"Really?" She asked I just nodded in response "oh your a lifesaver." I took her keycard and walked down to the main entrance where I swapped out the keycard.

On my way back to the room I heard muffled giggles coming from behind the corner. I knew exactly who it was, it was Millie and Rachel. They always tried to scare people but I was not getting caught out so I decided to scare them instead. I walked against the wall and crept up to the corner as I got there I jumped out and shouted "BOO!" They both screamed and fell to the ground laughing, I did too. "There is no way you just scared us as we were trying to scare you," Rachel said I'm fits of laughter
"Well you gotta be more sneaky," I laughed back

After we finished laughing I headed back to my room, I got to the door and opened it and inside Leah was just laying k her bed scrolling through tik tok. "Hey," i Said entering the room
"Hey, did you get the key card?" She asked standing up "yeah I did," I replied
"Sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself," she said like I had no clue who she was already "I'm, Leah Williamson, nice to meat you and I know you are Ella Youngs," I was shocked she knew who I was
"You know who I am?" I asked confused
"Duh, who dosent!" She said "your like one of the best forwards ever, and also that goal you had in the wsl final was pretty perfect."

We spent the next hour talking and getting to know each other properly. It felt like I had known her forever, she didn't feel like someone I had just properly met.

It was now 4:30 and we were heading out for a light training session, which mostly meant a bit of shooting and a little game and the end.

We did a warm up then practiced our shooting and had people cross balls into the box so we could practice everything. We then got put into five a side teas and in mg team was me, Leah, Lucy, Keira and Ellie. We got into position and started playing obviously with Leah as captain we played well and I even scored a few goals we woke all of our matches and then went inside to get ready for dinner.

I got the the room first so decided to head straight for a shower before Leah got back. I got some clothes and a towel and headed into the bathroom had a shower and as I was brushing my hair and doing mg makeup I heard the door open j was in only a towel so I didn't draw attention to myself by shouting hello. Then the bathroom door opened and I jumped. Leah also jumped not realising I was in here and just stood there staring at me, she then turned around closed the door and shouted "sorry, I didn't know you were here!" I finished getting ready and Leah headed for a shower.

We headed down for dinner together and surprisingly it wasn't as awkward as I had suspected. We got to the dining hall and grabbed some food and went and sat at a table with Tooney, Beth Mead, Alessia and Georgia me and Leah sat down and Keira and Lucy also came over.

We all ate and chatted very loudly to each other. One e we were all finished we headed back to our rooms. Me and Leah left together so we were joking the whole way and even flirting a bit to my surprise but I didn't think anything of it.

Hi hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for all the comments and votes on the last one. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Have a nice rest of your night or day and see you next time.

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