Chapter 14 - better than ever.. i think

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The week passed slowly but it had passed, i was going back out to training with the girls today and I couldn't be happier. I'm still trying to avoid Leah though, i don't want a repeat of last time. She seems happier though, like she has had a sudden lift in mood and I just can't place a finger on what it could be.

I headed downstairs with Lauren to the boot room to get on my boots for training. "So how you feeling?" Tooney said as i took my seat next to her in the boot room. "Better than ever, i can't wait to get back to kicking the ball." i said happily as I knew I was going back to doing the thing i loved most.

I walked out with tooney, less and Hempo for training and we had to get into groups of five for rondos. I was with tooney, less, Hempo and Georgia.

I started in the middle and easily intercepted the ball sending in tooney. We continued to play rondos before we started our proper training. We were doing 1v1's again and I was hoping I want paired with Leah. Luckily I was put with Keira, although I also didn't feel too lucky as I knew how skilled she was.

We finished up training with a big game and then headed back up to our rooms. I got showered and changed, getting ready to head down to lunch. I was just about to leave the room when my phone started ringing, I saw the contact name and immediately smiled


I went straight back into my room and answered. "Hey, I've missed you, how are you?" I asked smiling to her on the other end of the FaceTime. "I'm good I just miss you so much, I can't wait to see you again. It's a shame you didn't play the first game, I'm sure you will get the next one and show the other team who the best really is." She said. listening to her support made me feel so warm inside, I felt safe and comforted.

We were taking for ages about everything and anything before i got a knock on the door, I was confused at first as to why Hempo would knock to her own room so I walked over to the door laughing "Hempo if you have lost your key-," I started but was instantly stopped when i saw Leah standing at my door. "Your missing lunch, I was sent up to come get you," je she said before turning her back and leaving.

I ran back over to my phone "sorry Lisa I have to go, I've nearly missed lunch. I will text you later though yeah?" I said and she just smiled at me "yeah, bye" she said before hanging up.

I walked down to lunch and when i entered the dining hall it was practically empty, apart from one table. I got myself a ham sandwich as I wasn't really hungry and went and sat on the table with the only other person in the hall. Leah.

I sat down and she looked up from her phone where she was texting someone. "You alright?" She said looking utterly confused "yeah I'm ok, how are you?" I asked and she still gave me the same shocked expression "yeah I'm ok, can I just ask why you are sat with me?" She asked and I just laughed "who else would I sit with?" I giggled gesturing ti the empty dining hall "oh right," she giggled and we had a civil conversation.

"So who were you on the phone to?" She asked and I smiled, just the thought of Lisa made me happy. "Lisa," I answered grinning from ear to ear.

For some reason speaking to Leah no longer felt like I speaking to my ex it just felt like I was speaking to a friend, which I enjoyed it meant I had another person I could go to for anything.

"How's that going?" She asked and it made me think. I hadn't actually thought that much about our relationship and how it was going, so this question shocked me and actually made me stop and think for a moment. "Hello? How is it going?" She asked slower as if I was stupid and didn't understand what she was saying "I know I heard you, I'm just thinking." I said and her face got that same confused look it had earlier "about what? If you think it's going well then you would know but then again you would probably be able to tell if it was going bad as well," she said and I decided on the most basic answer ever "it's complicated," I said but I didn't know why I said it because if wasn't at all complicated, I liked Lisa, Lisa liked me what is wrong with that? "How so?" She enquired "I don't actually know, it just dosent feel" I paused for a second trying to think of what to say without making it sound like I wasn't at all intersected in Lisa, "right" I finally landed in the word and that familiar confused look was printed on her face again. I was beginning to feel like it was her only expression. "Why dosent it feel right?" She questioned me again and I could tell she was just as confused as I am. "I don't know it just dosent feel like it did when," I paused realising what I was about to say "never mind I should probably go get ready for my gym session, I'll see you around." I said before getting up and walking as fast as I could to my room with millions of thoughts circling my head. Did I still have feelings for Leah? Did I have feelings for Lisa anymore? They were just a very select number of the many questions swarming my head.

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