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Chapter 1

I stood there silently as I walked into the small library

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I stood there silently as I walked into the small library. Fuck school and fuck this library. It looks like nobody came here in years. "Hello?" I call out. Nothing. Not a single sound. I sigh and walk towards the cobwebbed and dust covered books. I need to find an occult book for class. After dusting off several ancient books I almost want to give up.


What the hell was that? Usually I'd be scared but something in me drew me to the sound. Before I knew it my feet were dragging me in the direction to the basement. I cracked open the door causing me to cough and sneeze from the dust. Damn it. Candle lights flicker on. It looks so old down here. Theres no way anybody has been down here in years. Everything was coated in layers of dust and cobwebs.

Against my better judgement I go down the creaky old steps. The air smells stale. Similar to an old basement. I sneeze again.


"Hello?" I call out. "Anyone else here?"

I make my way down the last step to a candle lit room. A small desk is center the room. A statue of a scary looking goat is set towards the wall. Occult symbols everywhere. I almost want to turn around but a small candle flickers on, on the desk. A chill runs down my spine.

I walk to the desk and run my finger across wiping away generations of dirt

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I walk to the desk and run my finger across wiping away generations of dirt. I walk over to the small black leather book. It has a satanic symbol on it. I blow the dust off of the book and thumb through it. It's in another language. I place the book down and look around some more.

A chill falls over me again. A gust of wind. The pages of the leather book begin to flap until suddenly it stops and all the candles blow out at once. What the hell? I'm going fucking crazy. I shudder and go to head back upstairs but I feel something in me tug me towards the small book. I can't see so I stumble around reaching into my pocket and pulling out my lighter.

Picking up the small book I noticed the page is opened it's in a latin language.

"El que despierta al que duerme, enfrentará la ira del que despierta"

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