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Chapter 40

(This chapter does contain a character death)

(This chapter does contain a character death)

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*Jimin POV*

Lilith had been in labor for hours now. "Are you feeling alright?" I rub her hand.

She nods. "Lacey doesn't know right?"

I shake my head no. "No, nobody will tell her."

"Good." She smiles at me. "God it hurts so fucking bad." She groans and grabs her stomach.

"I'm sorry Lilith." I shoot her a worried glance.

"Can't you just knock me out. Punch me." She laughs.

"I'm not hitting you. Just a little bit longer right?"

"Yeah, just a little bit longer." Her skin was pale. She looked almost blue. I run my finger across her jaw line.

"So how exactly did you get Namjoon to not be here? You didn't lie to him right?"

"Why would I lie to him? He already knew anyways, but he also knows you're who had to be here."

I nod. "Just let me know when you're ready."

"I will." She closes her eyes and breaths. "We need to talk about promises."

"Promises?" I raise my eyebrow.

"He can't know about me. Not ever. Please."

"Lilith. What if he looks like you? I'm korean, you're not. Lacey's half korean."

"Just say he got his skin from Yoongi." She laughs.

I let out a small chuckle. "Don't you think he deserves to know who his mom is?"

"I wasn't a good person Jimin. I'm nothing to be proud of. Lacey is." She looks sad.

"Lacey will tell him about you anyways." I sigh.

"I made her promise we'd tell him together."

"Don't you think that promise will go out of the window once you're..."

"Don't say it." She whispers.

"So what will I completely expect once you say you're ready?"

"I'll push him out and I want you to take him as far away from here as possible. Leave me here."

"Is Namjoon sure he saw what he saw?"

She nods. "Yeah. Pushing will cause that to rupture and kill me. I'm okay with it Jimin, I know he'll be going to the best mother in the world."

"Will Namjoon be okay?" I sigh.

"He'll be okay. He understands."

"I think he should be here with you."

"And she's crazy to think I wouldn't be here." Namjoon steps inside the room.

"No. You can't be here." Lilith panics.

"It's fine. You're okay." He smiles sitting next to her and grabbing her hand. "I can't leave you to die alone. Jimin will take Leviathan and run and I'll stay here with you."

She sadly smiles at him. "I love you."

"I love you more." He kisses her. I gotta say this I didn't expect. Them getting together. Namjoon didn't deserve this tragic ending to his love story. It's my fault.

"Jimin." She looks at me. "I'm ready."

I sigh and walk towards her legs. "Okay let's have a baby then."

Lilith screams so loud my ears begin to ring. If Namjoon was a human with how hard she's squeezing his hand, it would have broken by now. "Just a little bit longer Lilith. You're doing great."

"Jimin shut up." She sighs out. "Please I don't want that to be the last words I hear. Let me focus."

I nod. Looking down I still don't see a baby like I should have. "Namjoon." I look at him worried. He flashes me a worried look. "Lilith I need Namjoon for just one minute."

"Then you get up here you asshole." She breaths out.

"One second okay?" She nods back at me as Namjoon walks over. "The baby should be crowning but he's not even in the canal yet." I whisper. Namjoon nods and takes my place. I take his with Lilith. She squeezes my hand.

"It hurts." She whispers. Tears falling down her flushed cheeks.

"I know Lilith. I'm sorry." I wipe her tear away.

"I want to see him." She looks over to me. "I want to say goodbye to him. Please."

I nod. "Of course, anything."

"Lilith I have to pull him out. It's going to hurt. I'm sorry. Just hold Jimin's hand." Namjoon shoots me a worried glance.

"Just keep eye contact with me okay Lilith?" I say to her. "Just focus on me." I use my free hand to rub her head. She screams like someone just murdered her but keeps looking in my eyes. "Sh Lilith it's okay."

"Jimin." Namjoon hands me the baby. I sigh as I bite the liquid filled sack around him. I don't care how many times I've done it it's still gross.

Leviathan's tiny cries fill the room. Gently I place him in Lilith's eyes. "Hi my baby." Tears fall down her cheeks. "Leviathan." She smiles at him. He looks up at her with big red eyes. His hair is thick and black. He was beautiful. "You're going to go with your daddy now Levi, but never forget mommy loves you so much. So much I found you the best mommy, you could have. You be a good little devil for her okay?" She uses her finger to gently rub his tummy. He continues to stare up at her with adoration. "I love you Leviathan." She holds him up for me to take him. Namjoon hands me a small black blanket. "Keep him safe until you get home. And don't stop running until you're with Lacey." Lilith looks at me. "Babies shouldnt be here in hell."

I nod. Grabbing the baby and wrapping him gently in the small black blanket. He was so small. I walk out of Liliths room then stop to turn around. I watch the scene in front of me. Namjoon crawls up next to her in bed and puts his arm around her gently placing a kiss on her lips. A tear falls from my own eyes and I run until I'm in my office. I hold Leviathan tightly as I walk through my fireplace and into my bedroom.

"Jimin?" Lacey sits up in the bed. She looks so tired. I walk over to her and place Leviathan in her arms.

"Leviathan meet your forever mommy."

She looks down at the baby with complete love in her eyes, and I fall in love with her all over again.

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