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Chapter 4

Jungkook dragged me to his car pushing me in gently and getting into his side

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Jungkook dragged me to his car pushing me in gently and getting into his side.

"Jeon Jungkook." I said sternly.

"You do not understand."

"What the hell don't I understand Jungkook." I scowl.

"It's complicated Lacey." He sighs.

"So explain."

He bites his bottom lip. "I can't do that without Jimin."

"So go get him."

He sighs and looks at me. "It's better you don't know." I rest my head on his window as he drives. "Any where you want to go?" He smiles over to me.

"No." In reality I just wanted to see Jimin. I couldn't get him off of my mind. I don't even know why. I don't even know him.

I drift off to sleep as Jungkook drives. I remember the first day I met Jungkook. The day after my brother died. He came out of no where. He was new in school. He looked so shy but he approached me anyways. We've been best friends since.

"Lacey. We're here." He whispers. I wake up and look out side of my window.

"Where are we?"

"Jimin's favorite place." He smiles.

"You said to stay away from him."

"I figure I'll let him tell you the story of why he's dangerous." He brushes my hair out of my face with his hand.

I look over to see a small abandoned church. Weird. Looking closer I see Jimin sitting near a tombstone. It looks like it's from a good 100 years ago. I sigh and open the car door. "Are you coming?"

"No. I'll let him tell you." Jungkook says with a sigh. "I trust him enough for this."

I close the car door behind me. Its a crisp fall day and I clutch my cardigan as the wind blows. My uggs crunching the piles of leaves beneath my feet.

"Lacey." Jimin smiles at me from where he's sitting. I walk over fully and plop down next to him. "Meet my mom." He smiles.

I look over at the headstone. April 12,1912. "Wait mom?" I look at him confused.

He lets out a sigh and pulls his knees to his chin. "Things aren't always as they seem are they?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I can feel my heart race everything in me draws me to him.

"Are you scared?"

"No." I say without question.

"You should be." He stands up.

"And why is that?"

"Because everything about me is meant to lure you in so I can kill you."

I freeze and every hair on my body stands still.

Craved Temptations (A vampire P.J.M FF)Where stories live. Discover now