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Chapter 22

It had been about 6 weeks since I last saw Jimin and Jungkook

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It had been about 6 weeks since I last saw Jimin and Jungkook. It still hurt but I spent every waking moment with Yeonjun. He made me feel oddly whole. Eating had still been an issue for me. I felt nauseous more often than I didn't. It felt like I was constantly running to the bathroom to vomit. Yeonjun running not far behind me. Not to mention I grew overly tired lately too.

Yeonjun had stopped seeing Mariana dating wise and oddly enough she was okay with it. Yeonjun and I are taking things slow, but I think he could be who makes me happy.... Not as happy as Jimin, but happy. Mariana has became an unsuspecting friend as well.

Sitting down at the lunch table the various smells of food sent me into a gagging fit.

"Oh no I'll go with her this time" Mariana called out and ran with me to the bathroom.

I booked it for a stall and immediately dropped down. My stomach completely turning, however I had nothing in my stomach to throw up. I don't know what's worse dry heaving or actual throwing up.

"Maybe you should see a doctor Lace." Mariana says.

"No way, I can not worry my dad."

Mariana sighs as I wash my hands. "Lacey it's been weeks and you're only getting worse. You refuse to eat. I'm worried about you."

We begin to walk back to the lunch table. "I'm fine I promise." I say as I plop down next to Yeonjun resting my head on his shoulder. He gently places a kiss on my forehead.

"Maybe you're pregnant?" Mariana says.

"She's a virgin." Yeonjun looks at her.

My eyes go wide and I begin to shift uncomfortably. "Um yeah so funny story."

"I knew it." Mariana said excitedly. "You fucked the Park Jimin."

"You had sex with him?" Yeonjun looks at me.

"I- well..."

"Come on give me the details Lacey. He was fucking hot. No offense to you Yeonjun. You're hot too." She smiles.

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