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Chapter 32*

(Chapter contains lesbian/Polygamous smut if thats not something you're into just skip the chapter it won't affect the storyline too much)

(Chapter contains lesbian/Polygamous smut if thats not something you're into just skip the chapter it won't affect the storyline too much)

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*Jimin POV*

Once Lacey went to sleep I decided to go downstairs. I poured myself a glass of champagne and sat down.

"You look good." A sultry voice sent chills down my spine.

"You look better." I smile at her.

"Are you drunk?" She whispered.

"Maybe." I smiled flirtingly. Maybe I shouldn't open this can of worms. I look at her crimson lips. "Lilith."

"I know you love Lacey, but I'm craving your body." She smiled at me.

She looked absolutely stunning

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She looked absolutely stunning. She usually always did. "I shouldn't Lilith. We shouldn't."

"She gets you all the time Jimin." Lilith pouts.

"I'm not cheating on Lacey, Lilith."

"You haven't had sex since the last time we did.... That was about 7 months ago now Jimin. How are you keeping yourself composed near her?"

I shrug. "I love her. Her body can't handle it. I wouldn't ever endanger her."

"What about me?" She gets up and walks over to me. She sits on my lap facing me. She puts her arms around me.

"Lilith I know you still have feelings or whatever but I can't do that to Lacey."

"I have no more feelings for you anymore Jimin. I just think you're good in bed and I'm pregnant with your baby."

I nod at her. "I think maybe we shouldn't."

"Fine." Lilith rolls her eyes. "But she's pregnant she'd get it."

"Or maybe she wouldn't ." I sigh under my breath as Lilith walks upstairs.

*Lacey POV*

I wake up to a kiss on my lips. "Jimin." I moan lightly.

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