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Chapter 12

I hadn't talked to Jimin since yesterday

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I hadn't talked to Jimin since yesterday. I walked to school. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I pulled my hood over my head to not be noticed. Yeonjun nor Jungkook would ever let me walk alone. Jimin either but I didn't care what he thought.

I get to school early and go to my locker while theres nobody there. First period today is my favorite class. Jimin nor Jungkook are in it. Occult and Mythicism. The topic for the semester is vampires and witches. However most classes around this time of year it is Salem after all. It's kind of our towns niche. Witches. I suppose it's safer for them to not be in this class maybe the teacher would notice what they are.

I make my way down the hallway to the class and slide my back down the wall to sit on the floor. I flip through my satanic witches and vampires book while I wait.

"Here early?" A smiling Ms. Lydon says.

"Guess so." I smile back at her. She was young and beautiful. Her hair was short and curly. She always made me feel welcome in her class.

"Well why don't you come on in? Today we're learning about vampire behavior. Exciting isn't it?" I nod. "I'm surprised the schools allow us to teach this." She chuckles.

"Well this is Salem." I say.

"True. We're a little different aren't we sweet pea?"

"You could say that."

"Do you believe in vampires Lacey?"

"I believe anything is possible."

"I believe we have a few vampires amongst us this year." She smiles.

I gulp. "What makes you say that?"

"Because I just always say that." She laughed.

"Are you a witch?"

She tilts her head thinking about my question. "Are you a witch?" She whispers.

"Yes." I say. "I always have been. My mother was into craft."

"My mother was too." She grins. "One time after school maybe we can practice?"

"Really?" I perk up. Nobody ever took interest in my love for witchcraft.

"Of course Lacey. Class is about to start." She smiles.

I take the cue and sit in my seat. "Oh um.. Ms.Lydon."


"Do you know anything about Lilith?"

She looks at me with wide eyes. "Yes of course Lacey. Is she.... Your goddess?"

"No, no." I say as students start to file in.

Ms.Lydon takes attendance and hands out a book to each student. "Today kids we're going to be learning vampires mannerisms and behaviors."

Craved Temptations (A vampire P.J.M FF)Where stories live. Discover now