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Chapter 41

*Lacey POV*

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*Lacey POV*

Jimin places the tiny baby in my arms. His big red eyes look up at me. He looks just like Jimin. Identical. His thick dark hair was beautiful. He was beautiful. I smile at him. Loving him will be easy. Just as easy as loving Jonah and Kylie.

"Hi Levi." I say. His small lips trembles. Hungry. He's hungry. But what does he eat? "He's hungry did Lilith tell you what to feed him?"

"Blood. I think." Jimin says grabbing one of the premade bottles and handing me it. I gently place it in his mouth and he spits it out and screams.

"Jimin... I, I don't know what he wants. I think he's hungry... but I don't know what to give him."

"Milk try milk." I glance at him.

"Theres no more bottles Jonah just had the last one."

Jimin lifts my shirt up. "There isn't enough time to pump. He needs to eat."

"He isn't my baby Jimin... I can't."

"He is your baby." Jimin smiles at me.

I hadn't breast fed Jonah nor Kylie. I was scared. I closed my eyes and held the baby close to me. I felt strong latch and heard the small baby sigh. I looked up at Jimin. Something was wrong. I cover Leviathan and I with a small blanket and relax back a little.

"Lilith..." Jimin loses eye contact with me. "Lilith died Lacey."

"What do you mean Lilith died?" I glare at him. "You all knew about didn't you?" My face drops.

"We did, but Lilith wouldn't let us tell you. She just wanted you to focus on the babies."

"I didn't even get to say goodbye." A tear rolls down my cheek.

"You didn't have to, she knew you loved her. When she found out I thought she was going to have Namjoon raise him, but she looked at me and said she wanted you to be his mom."

I peek down the blanket to reveal a content small baby. My 3rd baby. He was so tiny. I love him with my whole heart. He's so beautiful. "Call my dad." I smile at him. "It's time to tell him his 3 grandchildren are here, then call Mariana and Yeonjun."

Jimin smiles at me and places a kiss on my forehead. "Theyre already on their way and should be here soon. Jungkook went to get them."

Like clock work Yoongi and my dad walk in. Mariana walks in with Kylie and Yeonjun carried a cranky Jonah.

"The twins are beautiful baby." My dad walks over and kisses my forehead.

"Well I guess Jimin and Jungkook didn't tell you the best part." I smile. I gently pull Leviathan away from me "meet the triplets." I smile.

My dad gently takes him from my hands. "All 3 of them are beautiful Lay." Yoongi walks over to my dad and looks at Leviathan. "And Jimin's been helping you?" He looks over at Jimin.

"Always." I smile at Jimin. "He's the best."

Everyone sits on Jimin and my bed as we talk about how exciting it is to have 3 babies and yet how tiring it is. Everything feels too good to be true. I sigh and lean against Jimin's arm. This is my life now. Forever.

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