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Chapter 8

"I come here for peace

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"I come here for peace." Jimin grins as he opens the hidden door in the basements.

"Its so dusty here."

He chuckles. "Thats because it hasn't been used since the mid 1900's." His shoes clack down the old rickety stairs. "Down here is nice."

The air smells like fall the further we go down. Its lit by candles that turn on the second he steps by them. "How do the candles light up?"

"Me." He says without any hint of emotion.

There is satanic carvings on the wall, but they're more beautiful than scary. "So do you like sacrifice animals?"

He sighs. "Enough questions." He leads me down a long gothic hallway. It's beautiful. He stops at a red door with a crystal doorknob. "Welcome to Hades lair." He chuckles. "I call it that as a joke."

"I figured" I say stepping into the gothic designed room. It's gorgeous. It's hard to believe this is where he spends his time and harder to believe this under a decomposing library. The walls are lined with books and various taxidermy animals. There is a huge statue of the goat he calls Baphomet. A large desk and comfortable luxury chairs are in the center of the room.

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"So is this where you work?"

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"So is this where you work?"

"Sometimes." He walks over to his desk and picks up a stack of papers "but usually I just organize all our finances down here and relax."

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