Bonus Chapter: Thanksgiving

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"Mommy whats thanksgiving?" Leviathan asks

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"Mommy whats thanksgiving?" Leviathan asks.

"Hmmm it's when we eat with a feast of food and say how thankful we are for everything."

"Thankful?" Kylie chimed in.

"Yes like how I'm thankful for you 3 rugrats." I squeeze them all together.

"But daddy and you can't eat human food." Jonah looks at me.

"No but your grandpa can!" I smile.

"Were going to grandpa's?" All the kids jump up and down.

"Yes." I laugh. "We have to get ready okay?"

The kids one by one file out to their room. The boys have tiny tuxedos set aside and Kylie has a pretty dress. "Mommy can you braid my hair like princess Elsa?"

I smile and take her hairbrush off her vanity. "Of course my love." I gently braid her hair as she smiles. "You're so beautiful Kylie love."

"We want our hair done too." Jonah pouts.

"Daddy already did my hair." Leviathan says. "See." He takes Jonah's hand to touch the gel in his hair.

"Thats not fair." Jonah pouts.

"Ah I've come to do your hair Jonah." Jimin walks in and smiles at me. "You almost ready love?" I nod.

He bends down with a comb and gels Jonah's hair making him look just like Leviathan. "Already you guys we gotta get going grandpa's waiting!"

Yoongi walks with us to the car and we all hop in to the over loaded mini van. Making our way to my dads.

"Lay!" My dad waves from the door as we pull up.

"Grandpa!" The kids scream as they unbuckle and run to tackle him.

"Ah my babies." He hugs all 3. Once Jimin and Yoongi walk over he shakes both of their hands. "You watching the game today?" He asks.

Jimim gives him a dirty look. "I don't do football."

Yoongi panics. "He just has no idea what football is."

"Ah son you've come to the right place." My dad smiles taking Jimin's hand. "Its the pats vs the jets today." Jimin mouths help me as my dad drags him to the living room where an array of snacks line the coffee table. "Beer?" He hands one to Jimin. Jimin opens the can and sips it. Today we were all going to try to act normal.

"Can I have-" Yoongi says and is interrupted.

"You drink and drive you get nothing son." My dad laughs. "Also you aren't 21 yet."

"Neither is Jimin." He reminds him.

"Jimin is over 100 years old my boy."

Yoongi groans and walks to me in the kitchen. "Dad driving you crazy?" I laugh.

"Need help cooking?" Yoongi sighs against the counter.

"You could make a pie?"

"Nobody ever eats it." He sighs.

"Why don't you see what the kids are doing?" He nods and walks towards the makeshift playroom my dad made them.

I sigh until I hear Yeonjun walk in the front door. "Hey lay." He smiles. "I brought over my moms famous mashed potatoes." He places a bowl on the counter. "They're not as good as hers." He sighs.

"Ah I'm sure they're good enough."

He steps away and into the living room. "Football?" He laughs.

"Mommy!" Leviathan runs out to me. "Uncle Yoongi found your old book!" He holds up my old copy of " 'Twas the night before Thanksgiving" "can you read it please please please!" He jumps up and down.

(AN/ okay sorry to pop in mid chapter but this was seriously my favorite book as a kid around thanks giving)

(AN/ okay sorry to pop in mid chapter but this was seriously my favorite book as a kid around thanks giving)

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I smile taking the book and sitting him on my lap. I read him the story as he snuggles in close to me. "The turkey will be done soon my love." I kiss his forehead.

"Can I stay out here with you? Kylie and Jonah are jumping around too much." He places his little hands on his head.

"Hmmm you can be my taste tester." I smile.


I nod handing him gravy on my finger. He licks it off. "Thats so yummy mommy!"

After having him taste various pieces of food and toppings the turkey was done. "Alright Levi ready to help me set the table? I'm going to give you a special job okay?"

He smiles up at me. "Okay."

"Place napkins at every seat and set eating utensils down."

He smiles and takes the stack of napkins and cup of silverware. Happily placing each next to the plates. I carefully move each dish to the table.

"Dinners ready!" I yell out.

All at once everyone runs out to the table and takes a seat. "Now before we eat we must say what were thankful for." My dad says. "I'll start. I'm thankful to have my beautiful family here with me today." He smiles up at everyone.

"I'm thankful I made my moms mashed potato recipe." Yeonjun laughs as my dad slaps his arm.

"I'm thankful to taste Lacey's turkey and not get fat." Yoongi laughs.

"I'm thankful for grandpa's house." Kylie smiles.

"I'm thankful for mommy and daddy." Leviathan says.

"I'm thankful for... I don't know. My toys." Jonah grins up at us and we all laugh. "Your turn mommy."

"I'm thankful for my beautiful family." I smile and look at Jimin.

He sighs and stretches back in his korean accent that he almost never shows (he must be drunk by now) he says "I'm happy for my beautiful wife, my adorable beautiful kids, football." He hold up a glass of champagne like hes clinking it with someone. "I'm happy for alcohol. Thank you."

And with that we feast upon delicious foods even though later today at least 3 of us will regret the decision of eating but for now we're happy.

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