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Chapter 18*
This chapter contains smut

Going to Jimin's house after school became my new norm even though it took forever to get the house set in the woods

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Going to Jimin's house after school became my new norm even though it took forever to get the house set in the woods. It was Friday and I had told my dad I was spending the night with Jungkook. He knew Jimin lived with him so he didn't approve at first, after several long phone calls with Namjoon to assure I'd be sleeping in a separate room my dad agreed.

However both Namjoon and Jungkook lied. I was there to spend the weekend with Jimin. I excitedly skipped over to Jimin's car after school.

"Hello beautiful" he smiled at me as he walked over to his car. "Are you excited?"

I hold up the grey duffle bag and smile. "Yes!"

He laughed unlocking the doors and we both jumped in the car. "Jin's making dinner for you tonight."

"Hmm. Whats for dinner then?" I laughed.

"Probably some italian food." He shrugged.

Once we got to his house we walked up to his room. His room was so elegant and beautiful. Red velvet and satin on everything. The old wood was a black color. It all looked beautiful. He turned and smiled at me. "What are you thinking about my little fox?"

"You. Your room."

"What about my room?" He raises his eyebrow.

"It's just... beautiful."

He smirked. "Not as beautiful as you."

"Smooth." I laughed.

He walked closer to me and began to kiss me. Passionately. "You're a dangerous women." He pulled away and pushed me onto his bed gently. He began kissing me gently moving down my neck and down my chest he stops to leave light bite marks on my skin. Not enough to inject venom or draw out blood but just enough to make me hiss out in painful pleasure.

"Keep going" I lightly moan.

"Are you sure you want this?" He moans out to me.

"Mhm." I hum back.

Taking off my shirt he gently places kisses on my lower stomach and begins to go down further, gently he pulls off my pants and panties. My back arches as he swirls his tongue around causing me to arch my back and moan in pleasure.

"You like that?" He murmurs.

I let out a gasp as he inserts one finger into me. Slowly and gently he moves in and out, carefully placing a second finger.

"You sure you want this?" He asks after a little while.

"Yes." I gasp as he removes his two fingers. He lines his body up with mine and bends down to give me a deep deep kiss.

"I don't want to hurt you." He rubs my cheek with his index fingers knuckle.

"I'll be okay." I sigh as he grind's against me.

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