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Chapter 23*
(Chapter contains smut)

Chapter 23*(Chapter contains smut)

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*Jimin POV*

I regretted leaving Lacey that night. Every day I thought about it but it's what had to be done. Occasionally I go watch her. Seeing her happy with Yeonjun makes me happy. But it hurts. I guess you could say I've made myself rather busy too.

"Jimin." She whispers in my ear wrapping her arms around me.

I grab another shot off the side table and turn to face her kissing her and rolling on top of her. She runs her hand down my already naked body causing me to let out a light moan.

I reach over to the table and grab the entire bottle of whiskey and begin to chug it. It's the only way I can do this. She runs her hand through my hair. "Who ever thought you'd be amazing in bed and hot."

I lean down and kiss her again. I mostly wanted her to stop talking. But I was getting this done today. Vampires are sex addicts but I found that having sex could also be boring almost chore like unless you're so fucked up you can't even see. I was at that point.

"Fuck me." She whispered in my ear. "Again."

Placing my hand over her throat and gently biting her lip, she wrapped her legs around my waist. I thrusted in her. Well I guess this part isn't that awful. I let my eyes flutter back to at least try to enjoy it. My mind drifts away to someone else. Someone I love. Lacey.

I look down at the auburn haired women under me and feel almost guilty for doing this to her. "Lilith." Her name rolls of my tongue.

"Fuck say my name like that again." She moans.

I sigh. "Lilith." She claws at my back causing me to hiss out in pain. I wanted this stupid contract to be over with. I was not enjoying this. Without paying attention I feel body get pushed over and all of a sudden shes on top of me.

"Do you like that?" She whispers. I grab her hips. Her body was beautiful. I guess thats a plus, or maybe I'm just really drunk.

Her loud moans fill the room. "Fuck" I moan. "Lilith."

She throws her head backwards as she screams out my name pulling at her own hair as we both finish at the same time. I sigh and gently push her off me, I get up grab clothes and stumble into my bathroom. We've had sex at least 5 times a day for the past 3 weeks. If she isn't pregnant by now I don't think she'll get pregnant. I lean against my bathroom sink and look at myself in the mirror. I look like fucking shit. My eyes are bloodshot. My lips are chapped. I sigh as I turn the sink on and splash my face with water. Fuck it I'm gonna just take a shower.

I twist on the water and get in. I let my face run under the hot water. Vampires don't usually need to shower. It's not like we have sweat glands or need to ever use the bathroom. I still enjoyed the sensation. I let my head fall back against the tile wall.

I open my eyes when I feel a sudden rush of cold hit me. Lilith stands in front of me. "Shower sex?" She smiles at me and leans in kissing me. I grab the nape of her hair and pull her in closer to me.

"Bend over." I say to her. She quickly turns body and bends over her hands against the shower wall. I grab her hips firmly and insert myself into her. Throwing my head back.

I disassociate almost the entire time. Once finished she steps out kisses me one last time and leaves me to my own thoughts. I just wanted Lacey. I let myself slide down the shower wall until I'm sitting on the floor and I just cry.

Eventually I step out and throw on my clothes

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Eventually I step out and throw on my clothes. I don't even glance over to Lilith on my bed as I make my way to my door. I needed more liquor. I couldn't stand Lilith without being absolutely shit faced.
I walk down the hall and jog down the stair case to the living room.

"Are you guys ever going to stop fucking? I can't even sit in my room. All I hear is that bitch moaning your name." Jungkook says annoyed.

"You go have sex with her then. Give her your heir." I say in a snarky tone.

"How could you just move on from her that fast. You left without warning. She has no idea where we went Jimin."

"She's fucking fine Jungkook." I slap the wall I'm standing near.

"Look at you Jimin you're fucking drunk. You're destroying yourself for what reason?" He yells at me.

"Because Lacey deserves a normal life."

He huffs at me. "You should have thought about that before you fucking bit her. She became YOUR forever mate Jimin."

"Just shut up Jungkook." I say quietly.

"Someone needs to tell you you're being stupid. Everyday you go and check on her and she's snuggled up to Yeonjun." He sighs. "And it's killing you."

"If you haven't realized asshole both of us are already fucking dead."

"You don't have to be alive to die again Jimin because I'm watching you die right now." He grabs my arm. "Jimin I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine."

"People who are fine don't do what you're doing."

I roll my eyes and shove past him to the kitchen. I walk over to the mini bar and grab a fresh bottle of whiskey. Then storm past Jungkook again in the living room.

"You can hide from her forever but I'm going to see my best friend." Jungkook yells up to me.

"Go ahead Kook do whatever the hell you want." I yell over my shoulder. I storm into my room grabbing  Lilith's arm. We're going to hell lets go. She gives me a frisky smile and picks up her heels following me to fireplace and we walk through the flames.

"So why are we here exactly?" She looks at me slightly worried.

"My family is complaining youre too fucking loud." I say grabbing her mouth and kissing her.

She smiles at me. "Again already?"

"Shut up Lilith." I say taking the bottle in my hand and chugging the whole thing in a few gulps. My vision blurs and I completely black out.

AN: This ones for my friend who suggested this weird ass story line of this chapter 😂 I wasn't going to do this

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AN: This ones for my friend who suggested this weird ass story line of this chapter 😂 I wasn't going to do this. But here we are. Thanks for giving me ideas.

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