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Chapter 25

*Jimin POV*

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*Jimin POV*

I wrap my arms around Lilith in my bed. I run my hand over her body. Her skin was soft. She finally got the results she was looking for. She's pregnant. I place my hand gently over her stomach and kiss her neck.

"Jimin?" She whispers.


"Do you think... you could learn to love me?" She turns around so she's facing me. Her eyes were beautiful I never saw her like this before.

"I think I already am

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"I think I already am." I smile at her and gently kiss her. I had to get used to this. I had to get used to not having Lacey.

A knock sounds through my door. "Come in." I yell. And rub my nose against Lilith's. The door opens and without looking up I kiss Lilith. "Jungkook?"

"No." A shaky voice whispers through my room sending chills down my spine. "I just..." I hear her crying and it makes my heart drop. I sit up and look at her.

"Lacey?" I get out of my bed and walk over to her.

"Jimin... I... I didn't know..." I walk over to her and hold her. Looking out of my door I see Yoongi and Jungkook giving me glares. "I'll.. I'll leave... never mind." She tries to slip away.

"No. Lacey wait." I grab her hand.

"No Jimin it's fine. You're with Lilith. I... I don't want bother you." She looks down not wanting to make eye contact with me or Lilith.

I lift her chin with my index finger and rub her chin with my thumb and smile at her. "You're never a bother to me Lacey." I hear shuffling around behind me. And eventually heels clacking over to me. I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry Lilith. I didn't mean to interrupt." Lacey whispers my hand carefully trails down Lacey's neck and I trace her collar bone. She turns her head slightly while tears fall from her eyes. Her shirt reveals the mark I gave her. The mark that made her mine. I turn around and look at Lilith then turn to look back at Lacey. I'm so fucked either way. Someones going to be hurt. I sigh and lean down and kiss Lacey. "Jimin." She pulls away.

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