Chapter Twelve

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The hyenas left Ni at an abandoned den where Muuguzi used to live. He saw Sarafina by herself cuddling with Nala. Nala whimpered but Sarafina shushed her silently. "It's okay, sweetheart. Don't cry'', whispered Sarafina. Ni noticed how familiar Sarafina looked as if he had seen her before. Ni walked to them and Sarafina glared at him. "Who are you and what do you want?" Stuttered Sarafina. "It's okay. I don't want to hurt any of you. I'm just a prisoner. Why is someone beautiful like you and your daughter imprisoned?" Asked Ni.

"Because let's just say that the king hates us. I wouldn't even call him a king. He's more of a psychopath", said Sarafina. Ni laughed. "Trust me! I know!" Laughed Ni. Sarafina smiled and Ni gasped. "You look so familiar. Have we met before?" Asked Ni. Sarafina was confused but shook her head. "You do have my dad's mane though. He died when I was a teenager", said Sarafina. Ni sighed but saw Sarafina's green eyes. He couldn't just get over it. "You are so beautiful but I know you have a mate so I will leave you alone", said Ni. "I don't have a mate unfortunately", said Sarafina.

Ni comforted her but Sarafina backed away from him. She started bursting into tears. "Just leave me and my daughter alone please!" Cried Sarafina. Nala soon sobbed but Sarafina held her tight and cried. Ni sighed and laid by himself. Nala soon noticed the lion by himself. She walked to him. "Can I cuddle with you?" Asked Nala. Ni nodded slowly and held her tight. Sarafina walked to them and smiled. "Let me guess, you have cubs of your own?" Asked Sarafina. "Two little boys. I miss them dearly", said Ni. Sarafina nodded. "I have a son too but he passed away", said Sarafina. Ni sighed. "My sons aren't dead. It's just that their mother doesn't want me in their life", said Ni.

"My son isn't dead either. More like he's being held captive by Scar", said Sarafina. Ni was shocked. "Wait a second. Why would the king have your son?" Asked Ni. "Because my son is also the King's son. I was married to him until I had enough and he had me imprisoned here", said Sarafina. Ni nodded slowly as he held Nala in his paws. "I'm imprisoned because I accidentally set my paw here. I missed my mate and sons. I smelled them here", said Ni. Sarafina was in shock. "Your mate and sons are in this Pride?" Asked Sarafina. Ni nodded.

"Yes but as soon as I saw my mate, she was angry at me like I abandoned her but I never wanted to abandon her. One day, they were gone like a poof cloud", said Ni. Sarafina embraced him. "It's okay. I lost my mate but I know he's with me even though he's dead", said Sarafina. Nala soon woke up and saw Ni and Sarafina bonding as friends. She smiled at her happy mother and soon went back to sleep.


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