Chapter Fourteen

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Johari and Zira walked outside. Johari sighed. "Zira, we miss you so much. Do you love being Queen?" Asked Johari. Zira nodded. Johari noticed Zira's blank expression. "Is everything okay?" Asked Johari. "Yes, why are you asking?" Asked Zira. Johari looked down. "I don't know. You just look pretty stressed out. Are you sure you want to be a queen?" Asked Johari. "Yes!" Said Zira. Johari sighed. "Listen Zira, I just want to let you know whatever you're going through. I just want to let you know that I'll be there for you no matter what. Please let me know if there's something troubling you", said Johari.

"Johari, for the last time I'm alright. Just let me be with him. He could never hurt me. He loves me too much", said Zira. Johari didn't answer but nodded. "Very well. I'll see you later, Zira", said Johari. Zira nodded and walked away leaving Johari alone. Johari went into the main den and laid down. Johari noticed how unhealthy Nina looked. Nina looked very malnourished and tired. "What's wrong with her?" Whispered Johari to Sarabi.

"I'm not sure but she looks like she's close to death", said Sarabi in a very quiet voice. Nina gasped very loudly and weakly. "I need Sarafina! Now!" Rasped Nina. Sarabi was anxious. "But she's imprisoned", said Sarabi. "I need her now! If she doesn't see me now, she won't see me ever", said Nina. Sarabi nodded and ran to the prison den. Sarafina laid by herself with Nala. "Sarafina, your mother needs you now! I think she's dying", said Sarabi. Sarafina started hyperventilating. "Nala! Come with me!" Said Sarafina. Sarabi soon noticed Ni. "You! You come with me too. I think she might need to speak with you too", said Sarabi. They all ran to the main den and saw Nina's frail and weak body on the floor.

Sarafina started crying as she was close to her mother. She heard her mother's strained breathing. "Mom! Please don't do this. Please. You don't understand how much I need you", said Sarafina. "Sara, I love you too. The moment you were born, I fell in love with you and I'm so sorry that I have to leave you like this. I'm also sorry but I have something I need to tell you before I go", rasped Nina. Sarafina sobbed but heard Nina choking.

"Mom?" Asked Sarafina. She tried shaking her mother but Nina still had a coughing attack. Ni stepped in and Nina soon stopped. "Oh my son", rasped Nina. Sarafina gasped as she heard the three words come out of her mouth. He was shocked too. Sarafina and Ni looked at each other. Nina laughed. "You really thought you two weren't related at all. Ni, you look so much like your father and then you Sarafina you have my face", said Nina.

"But how did this happen?" Asked Sarafina. Nina sighed. "Me and your father were young and foolish. When I was a teenager, I was pregnant and Muuguzi offered to help me but I had to give him away as soon as he was born and I regret it badly. Scar was going to blackmail me into telling the whereabouts of Mheetu and he succeeded but please don't be mad. I love you. I always did and I'm proud of you", said Nina. "This is so much to process", said Sarafina as she watched her mom have another coughing attack.

"This is the best gift a mother could ever have. Two of her cubs reunited. And as for you my little Nala, stay strong for me", said Nina. Ni soon embraced his dying mother. "This is the best gift and the worst gift too because you're dying but also I missed my mom", said Ni. Nina smiled weakly and soon froze. Sarafina gasped and felt her lifeless body. She wasn't breathing. She finally passed away. Sarafina cried in grief while the other lionesses in the den were devastated.


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