Chapter Thirteen

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In the middle of the night, Scar and Zira heard Mheetu cry all night. "Great Uru! Do something to shut this kid up!" Said Scar. "I'm trying but he won't stop. I even offered to give him some of my buffalo that the hyenas caught", said Zira. Scar laughed. "He won't eat that. Babies drink milk", said Scar. "Well guess what? I don't have any milk because I never kitted before", said Zira. Scar grumbled. "The only one that kitted recently is that black hole and I can't have my son near her. She's insane", said Scar.

Zira sighed. "Well don't complain when he cries because that's all cubs want to do. They all want to cry to their mommy", said Zira. Scar sighed. "Fine, I'll have Shenzi keep a close eye on Sarafina when she nurses him", said Scar. Zira nodded. "Shenzi!" Called Scar. Shenzi reported towards him, exhausted. "Can I have some shut eye for once?" Asked Shenzi. "Yes, whenever you watch Sarafina closely when she nurses my son. She's the only one that still has milk left", said Scar.

Shenzi nodded and grabbed the cub with her mouth. She walked to the abandoned den and saw Sarafina sleeping with Ni and Nala. She tugged on Sarafina's tail, waking her up. Sarafina saw Shenzi with her son in her mouth. "What are you doing here?" Asked Sarafina. "Scar requests that you nurse him since you're the only one who has milk left and I'm supposed to watch you so don't even think about it", said Shenzi. Sarafina sighed and picked up her son. "Whatever. There's really nothing I can do to save him anyways", muttered Sarafina as she pulled her son closer.

Her son sniffed her breasts and smiled. "Mama!" Said Mheetu. Sarafina comforted him. "Yes baby it's me. I love you and I miss you so much", said Sarafina. He started sucking her nipples. He loved her fresh milk. He started meowing happily. She smiled until Shenzi snatched him away from her. He started crying. "Give him back. He was in the middle of eating", said Sarafina. "I cannot wait all night for him to finish. What he drank is what he's going to get for the night", said Shenzi as she walked away with him leaving Sarafina in tears. Shenzi carried him but he still cried very loudly. "Shut up!" Yelled Shenzi. Mheetu started crying even louder until Scar came outside. "Look at you. You can't even raise a cub right", said Scar. "I don't need cubs!" Growled Shenzi. Scar laughed and carried his son back to his den.

He saw Zira asleep and he kissed her fur. He laid Mheetu right by her and smiled. "I love my family so much", whispered Scar. As soon as Scar woke up in the morning, he nudged Zira. Zira woke up. "It's morning, already?" Groaned Zira. Scar nodded. "Mheetu seems very quiet", said Scar. "Tell me about it. I guess he really needed milk", said Zira. Johari came into the den. "I'm sorry to interrupt but may I speak to Zira, please?" Asked Johari. "Why?" Asked Scar. Johari sighed. "I need to talk to her about something. Just let me see her", said Johari. Zira got up. "She's my best friend. I'll be right back", said Zira. Zira walked with Johari leaving Scar curious.


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