Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I slowly push the door open with my hip and carried in the tray that held the hot soup.

“Here you go” I said as I set the tray on Charlie’s lap “It’s fresh from the kitchen.”

“Umm, did you make this?” she questioned.

“No, your mom did? Why?”

“Well, let’s just say you aint the greatest cook in the world” my mouth flung open. Did she just say that?!

“I am a FINE cook, thank you very much!”

“Nah, not really.” She quickly glanced at me and continued to dig into the soup.

Well fuck her opinion. That just means more of MY food for ME. See if ever cook her ass anything. Hmmph.

[1 week later @ school]

Charlie and I walked into the school side by side. We were a few minutes early so we decided to just kill time at her locker. It was pretty normal being the first day back from break but for some reason people kept staring our way. Like DAMN! I know I’m a sex god but please! Hop off!

‘W-why is everyone looking at us?” Charlie asked. Her eyes were sprinkled with little specks of fear, anxiety, nervousness, and a tad bit excitement. 

“Maybe they want the D” She gave me a look.

“The guys too?” I thought about saying that they wanted the P, but considering what happened just a week before, I went against it.

“They could be gay” I said with a shrug. “Or curious.” Charlie just rolled her eyes and continued to shove shit into her locker.

By now I could hear people whispering and giggling from all directions. Everyone had his or her eyeballs glue in this direction. Wtf?!

“Hey sexy.” Charlie and I quickly turned around to the source of the male voice. Anger immediately spread throughout my body as I balled my fist up.

“Leave.” One word, but it had all the venom of the Inland Taipan (one the most, if not THE most, venomous snake in the world)

“Niggah I’m over here tryna talk to my bitch!”

“Im NOT a bitch!” Charlie now had her fist balled up and rage was in her eyes. Mark just chuckled. He stepped back far enough into the hallway and spoke in a loud, clear voice.

“Awww. The little slut is angry I won’t give her the D tonight!” Laughter bounced off every wall of the hallway. My fist clenched even more and I was about to attack him but Charlie pulled me back.

“Prod no. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She whispered.

“Charlie he-”

“No! please…” I huffed out and clenched my jaw.

“I bet she fucking him too”

Again laughter erupted. I looked at Charlie and I could see the hurt, fear, and embarrassment in her eyes. My heart literally broke as I watched the tears slip down her perfectly round cheeks.

“Don’t cry over assholes like them” I told her as I wiped her tears”

“Prod, I just wanna go home”

“Ok that’s fine. Let’s go” I carefully lead her through the halls to the main doors. She still had a limp so she couldn’t move too fast.

“Don’t go about fucking each other now!” Mark yelled as we got to my car.

“Charlie, get in the ordered.”

“Wait, what are you going to do?” She sound worried. Was it for Mark or me? Most likely Mark since we both know what I did to him.

“Im just gonna go talk.”

“Prod please don-”

“Charlie, I said get in the car!”

She bit her lip think about whether she would get in the car or just completely ignore what I said. She knew I was serious because I don’t usually raise my voice at her, seeing as there is never any reason too. She looked at me and her eyes softened even more than they already were, if that’s even possible. She finally, but hesitantly, got into the passenger seat of the car.

I walked back into the school to see Mark and the other students still laughing and talking about Charlie. I used my super awesome ninja skills and silently moved through the crowed to Mark and slammed him up against one of the lockers. The hallway went dead silent. So silent you could hear the Earth rotate.

“You’re so lucky she doesn’t want me to hurt for some strange reason.” I whispered.

“Aint like you could do anything anyway.” His voice was steady but he face showed nothing but fear for what I might do to him. He knew I could probably kill him if I wanted to. And trust me, I wanted to.

“This is what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna stop telling lies about her or I will beat your ass a thousand time harder than at the party.” I glared at him for emphasis. “And that, is a promise. And I ALWAYS keep my promises.”

With that I let him go and walked back out to the car. I got in and Charlie immediately started questioning me on what happened. I told her all I did was talk to Mark.

“Di- did you tell the school about what happened? I mean at the party?” Charlie looked so sad, hurt, and ashamed. I felt so bad.

“Of course not. Did you want me too?”


I pulled off after that and went straight to Charlie’s house. Mark doesn’t know what’s coming.



SO that was Chapter 6

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Charlie has a secret! What is it? O.o Only I know HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH 



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