Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


(outfits in External Link) 


“Huh? What?” I was snapped out of m thoughts by the sound of Prod’s voice.

“Girl! Come on, you the main one tryna get to school and you sittin’ there daydreaming”

“Oh shut the hell up Prod. Let’s go!” I grabbed my backpack and began walking down the stairs. I looked at my watch, which read 6:50am. “Shit”

“What? Prod asked from behind me.

“We got ten minutes before we’re late.”

“Oh just relax.”

“No, I don’t wanna be late. I hate hearing the principles mouth.” I walked to get my car keys and saw a note from my mom. She was going to be working late so I had to pick up Jimmy from the babysitter. I sighed.

“You ok?” I nodded as Prod read the note then looked at me.

“Well, I got to pick up Jojo today so I’ll stay with you.” I nodded again. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. When we pulled away he pecked my lips very softly.

“Let’s go before we’re late.” I said walking out the door.

“Lemme drive.” I gave Prod a ‘you must be crazy’ look.

“Boy you thought you was about to drive my car.”

“Come on Charlie, please. I’ll get us to school on time.”


“Dude really? Do you want to be late?” I sighed and gave up handing him the keys.

“I just better not get a ticket. You know neither of us can afford it.”

I got in the car and leaned against the window. Prod could tell something was wrong. He kept looking back at me while driving. To be honest I hate the fact that my mom works all the time but I know it’s to provide for Jimmy and me. Prod understands how I feel because his mom works often too. She get’s SOME child support, but not so much so she has to make ends meet.

“Don’t be upset ok?” Prod said as he parked the car.

“Ok…” I started to get out the car when he pulled me back and crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back as he pulled me closer and added tongue. His hands gripped my waist and headed toward my ass. I heard the warning bell ring and pulled away. My breathing was distorted. I tried getting it back to normal while looking into Prod’s eyes.

“Um, we need to go before we’re late.” He said getting out of the car. When I was out, he tossed me my keys and pecked my lips one more time before we headed in separate directions.

All homeroom period, all I could think about was that kiss. It was intense and there were feelings in there I couldn’t quite figure out. Prod seemed to be just as confused as I was. We haven’t had a kiss like that in almost three years.

“Hey girl” My friend Ahleesha said as I approached my locker.

“How was your weekend?” I asked.

“Horrible! My mom went out and I had to watch my little sister. She is SO annoying!!” her face twisted into the funniest position. While laughing I felt a pair of hand cover my eye.

“Guess who?” the voice was smooth and rich.


“Haha. Funny” Prod came from behind me. “Did yall hear about Mark Miller's party on Friday?”

“Oh yeah! You know I’m going!” Ahleesha said.

“I didn’t hear about the party.” I said confused about the subject.

“Oh well he’s throwing a party celebrating spring break.” Prod explained.

“True. Imma see if I can go”

“Oh, yall already know imma be there partying all night long!!”

I smiled at how excited Leesha was. She loved parties. Any and Every party that was happening, she was there... Invited or not. This girl was like my second best friend. Her and me were really close and so was Prod, but Prod and I were still the closest. Ahleesha took the place of a true girl bestie. Like when I needed someone to talk about things that couldn’t be discussed with Prodigy.

“I should come over and help you with your outfit”

“Leesha, you know I like winging my outfits.”

I said. “But you should still come over.”

“Yeah. I’m bringing Jojo so you can bring Tahlaya. It can be like a play date.” Prod suggested.

“YES! That’s perfect, she’ll have someone else to bother for a change.” We all laughed and agreed to meet in the parking lot later that day.


Prod parked my car in the garage, turned it off and got out. I got out and went to the back door to get Jimmy.

“Wasn’t Ahleesha following us?” Prod asked as we walked to the front door.

“She has to get Tahlaya and let her mom know where she is” I answered while trying to get my key out my bag. The bag was on the free arm, not holding jimmy. I couldn’t reach far enough to open the pocket and snatch the key out. I would have put Jimmy down if he was not sleeping.

“I got him” Prod took Jimmy out o my arms.

“Thanks” I said as I pulled out my key. I turned and looked at Prod. Jimmy was clinging to his neck while Jojo, whose 6, held Prod’s hand. He looked like a father holding the kids like that.

Finally in the house, I threw everything on the floor by the door. Prod walked to the couch and laid Jimmy down.

“Jo, you hungry?” I asked, facing him.


“What do you want to eat?” I walked to the kitchen with Prod and Jo following like little ducklings.

“Uh. I don’t know.” His small shoulders bumped up as his lip poked out.

“Well,” I squatted down to his height.” I guess I have to ask your tummy then!” he giggled When I pressed my ear to his stomach and pretended to talk to it.

“What’s it saying Charlie?” Jo asked.

“Well it’s hard to tell.” I got up and went to the plain white fridge next to the wall oven. Looking in, all that was left was lunch meat and a couple of hot dogs. A sigh escaped from my lips.

“How does pizza sound?”

“Oh yes! Yes!” Jo jumped around and went to the living room.

“Charlie no. You don’t have to buy pizza.”

“Then what is he gonna eat?” I crossed my arms looking at Prod.

“He’ll be fin-”

“I refuse to let him sit there and be hungry.”


“Plus, Ahleesha and Tahlaya are coming over. It’ll be fine.”

“Then I’m paying half” My head snapped toward him to see his arms crossed just like mine. “I refuse to let you pay the whole thing” he spoke in a mocking tone. I rolled my eyes.


“Don’t be mad” he then kissed me, slapped my ass and walked out. This boy…


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