Chapter 15

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I know i haven't updated in a while but hopefully this chapter is long enough to make up for it! 

Again sorry for not updating! /.\


Chapter 15

[Back with the girls]


Prod cam back breathing heavily with his fist clenched. Jacob was right behind him with a look of shock embedded on his face.

“Is you face ok?” Prod asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. What happ-”

“Does it hurt?”

“No but what did-”

“There’s gonna be a bruise in the morning. It shouldn’t be too bad thou-”

“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!” I yelled gaining stares from every one in the courtyard.

Prod shook his head “Nothing.” I looked toward Jacob, with that same expression on his face.

“Jake, what happened?”

“Well he-” Prod shot him a death glare and Jake instantly shut up. “Um, nothing.”

What the hell? What could he have done that he doesn’t want to tell me?

“Did, did you hit her?” I asked in disbelief.

“No.” he sighed. “But I should have.” As long as he didn’t hit her, it was fine.

“Then what did you do?” I asked with my innocent face on. Once glance at this and he’ll break.

“Ok ok.” He said. “I just kinda pushed her a little.”

“A little!?” Jacob exclaimed. “No! He shoved the bitch into the wall!” My eyes widened as I looked at Prod.

“Gee thanks Jacob!” Prod rolled his eyes.

“No problem bro.”

“Anyway, after that I just yelled at her. No big deal” he shrugged.

“Yes big deal!” Leesha yelled. “You just set yourself up!”


“Do you know how bad she’s gonna make you look?” I said. “By tomorrow morning everyone is gonna think you’re a woman beater!”

“Look just calm down,” he said rubbing my shoulders. “I don’t give a damn about anyone in this damn school except for you.” I nodded.

“Well then. Just kick us to the curb huh?” Jacob said sarcastically.


[Next Day]


We walked into the school building hearing whispers from all over.  I looked up and saw that people were pointing and looking in our direction.

“I used to think he was so sweet and perfect. I guess it’s true that looks can be deceiving.” Some girl from my math class said, looking at me in disgust. The fuck?

I shrugged it off as we approached Charlie’s locker. We decided we would share one locker since it’s the last week.

“That was so fucking hilarious.” Leesha laughed

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