Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

-1 month later-

[June 2, Monday]


“Can you believe Friday is our last day as Juniors!?” Ahleesha asked the gang as they walked up the stairs to the school building.

“I’m hip!” Charlie exclaimed. “I can’t wait ‘til summer comes and we hit the pool!”

“Oh yeah!! How ‘bout we go Saturday?” Jacob suggested.

“I can’t. I got an appointment on Saturday remember?”

“Well Sunday then.”

The quartet continued to converse about their summer and weekend plans together. Ever since Charlie came out to Prod and Jacob about her pregnancy, the four have grown much closer. They were like one big happy family. Well happy most of the time. And the bond between Charlie and Prod became greater than anything. Just one problem, neither of them had admitted their feelings to each other, and everyone around them could see the attraction.

“Hey Charlie,” Prod interrupted the conversation. “Can I come to your appointment with you on Saturday?”

Charlie was shocked, needless to say. No one, except Ahleesha, offered to go with her to any doctor appointment. But those were minor visits. This appointment was huge, at least to Charlie. It was the 18-week ultrasound. She had been anticipating this for a long time. She never thought anyone, besides her mom, would want to go.

“S-sure. If you want.”

“Great!” he smiled so bright. Charlie couldn’t help but notice his slightly crooked teeth, which she found to be adorable, glow in the hall way lights. “I’ll be at your house at around one.”

“But the appointment isn’t until like 3.”

“I just wanna get there early to help out with anything.”


The day went by as normal. Just the usual stares, snickers, jokes, bitches, jerks, douches, and the kind-hearted people.

It was now lunchtime and the gang was going to the courtyard to chill at their regular spot.

“Hey Prod” A cheery voice echo from the corners. He groaned knowing who it was. For the past moth she had been breaking her back to get any second she could with him.

“What the fuck do you want Amber?”

“Baby, calm down. I ju-”

“First of all, I aint yo damn ‘baby’. Second, please remove yourself form my presence while I am trying to eat.”

Charlie and Jacob snickered a bit, but of course Leesha had to laugh the loudest and the hardest. Amber glared at the three of them as she had any strength in her skinny ass body to do anything to anyone.

“Bitch what you still standing here for?” Ahleesha said after calming down. “You’ve been dismissed hoe.”

“Excuse me. I don’t think you belong in the conversation.”

“Excuse me,” Leesha mocked, “I don’t think anyone invited yo ass over here so. Be gone!”

Amber rolled her eyes and continued to get smart with Ahleesha while the boys watched. Charlie then cut in.

“Look, could you please leave. You’re kinda upsetting my stomach.”

“Don’t you mean that baby is upsetting your stomach?”

“um no. That doesn’t make ANY sense.

“Oh, don’t you try to pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. The whole school knows you’re pregnant.

“I’m already hip to that. Aint nobody trying to pretend anything.” Charlie replied slightly annoyed. Everyone knew all Amber wanted to do was get with Prod.

“Mhmm. I bet you don’t even know who the daddy is.”

“Well, seeing as I’m not a hoe like you are. I actually do know my baby’s dad.”

“Bitch! Did you just call me hoe?”

“Are you stupid?”

“You did not just say that to me!”

Charlie looked around as if there was anyone else in the corner of the courtyard. “Um, well yes, yes I did. You the only hoe out here.”

What happened next left everyone in a state of shock including Amber herself. Amber had smack Charlie straight across the face.

“Did… did this skinny ass wanna-be- white bitch just smack me?”

“Yes I-”


“Charlie, calm down.” Prod gently took Charlie’s hand in his own in attempt to calm her down. It was clear that this technique was working. You could visibly see Charlie’s shoulders relaxed and her grip on Prod, became less forceful. The sight enraged Amber so, that she punched Charlie in the jaw. Not too hard but hard enough to bruise Charlie’s beautiful light brown complexion.

Prod and Jacob jumped up from their seats and dragged Amber back into the school building where no one was around.

“Don’t you EVER in your worthless, pathetic, slutty little life put your hands on her again!” Prod yelled in Amber’s face.


“Shut the fuck up!” Amber jumped and backed up a little, unsure of what Prod would do to her.

“Bro calm down.”

Jacob tried to relax Prod because just like Amber, he did not know what was going through Prod’s head or what in the world he was capable of doing. He just didn’t want to see his friend do something that he would regret.

“Keep yo stank pussy, no walls having, STD carrying, whore ass away from me and the ones I love!”

Now we all Prod wouldn’t DARE put his hands on a female in a violent way. No matter how much he thought she deserved it. He walked away from the terrified hoe and went to attend to Charlie.

Jacob just shook his head at Amber and followed Prod.

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 wassup wassup my peeps!

Soooo i see i haven't updated this in a while soooo here yall go!!!! 

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