You Deserve

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August pov
I woke up because India was beating was trying to wake China up and when she saw me she yelled stranger... I bust out laughing this little girl is crazy I swear.. I said India I'm not a stranger I am mommy's friend August she finally stopped screaming and said why are you in my momma bed ?? I said I fell asleep after me and mommy brought you home last night .. I heard their front door open... India yelled daddy and China woke up and start scratching her head.. She saw India and India said mommy is this man your friend she said yeah baby this is mommy friend August now gone in your room ... She grabbed some clothes threw them on and she walked out her room and then she said Dante wtf you here for he said China I am here to see India like everyday don't play dumb , why you hiding your door.... He bust in the room and said China you got my daughter in here while you fuckn some nigga bruh you what we like to call a real $2.00 hoe... Next thing you know China smacked him in his face and he was like bitch don't hit me and he got all in her face .. India was screaming get away from my mommy and da nigga started to choke China ... I got up and grabbed him off her and start beating his ahh.. China got up and took India in her room and she moved me out the way and told me to stand by India room... Next thing you know this nigga was being dragged out her house by his long ass hair ... He had a black eye, swollen-busted lip, and ripped clothes.... China went in her room and wiped her make-up off because she slept in it.. She was even more beautiful without make up ... India came in her room with this pretty sundress on with some tan sandals on and China got in the shower and put on black skater dress with her Georgetown Jordan's .. Mane I'm ready to settle down and I know exactly with who too... Ima make her mind if it's da last thing I do.... It was Saturday so we decided we were going to take India and my niece shay to the zoo and putput for the day.... We left out her house and all of us hopped in my Range Rover and we left off to my house... I called my sister and told her get shay ready so that I could come get her so she could come out wit me and my new girl... China looked at me and said nigga Ian yo girl yet .. I said yeah yet but baby you mine and I'm yours.... I pulled up to a light and she pulled my face to hers and she kissed me and India said ewwww🙈.... We all were in the car laughing when bitch Betta have my money came on and these two start turnin up in the car and India was actin just like ha momma shit had a nigga dead... We pulled up to my house and India said auggie and I grabbed her out her seat and carried her into the house and when we walked in she said auggie got big house and my dog Paris ran in and barked ... India started playing with him while China went in the kitchen ... I walked in and said that's why yo ahh so fat na she said yeah but you like it doe !!!! I smacked her ahh and ran upstairs got in the shower and we were on our way out ... Me and China had on just about the same thing .... I took a pic wit China and India and posted it on Instagram and said a lil day wit my new baby and lil step daughter 😏✨😈💦🔐.... I took another pic wit just China and she was kissing my cheek and I captioned it : I wished for a sexy 😍💦👅keeper 🔐💏 and I think auggie wish was made💫💕🔐💏 @chinalove .... She liked it and commented and Said yeah groupies he taken so sit down wit ya thirst 💦👅ight & my wish 🔮💫was made too baby thanks fah comin in my life🔐😘💏... I smiled and put my hand on her thigh...

Trey pov
I was laying down jayceon crazy ahh had fell asleep on lolly and she had her big ahh head on my chest , think she was slowing my heart rate down... Jayceon start kicking her and she woke up and said wtf did we fuck wit him in here.. I laughed and said nah lolly he fell asleep while we were watching ninja turtles last nite after yall were done dancing .... She smiled and grabbed her silk robe and put it on .... I had to pee so I went in the bathroom and peed ... Once I came back out jayceon wasn't in the room anymore and lolly was bending over I walked behind her and held her waist and start rubbing her ass with my dick ... She felt it cuh she jumped a little she turnt around and kissed me and then said she was bout to cook breakfast i said okay... She put some shorts on with a shirt that said lolly on it and went downstairs ... I went and looked in jayceon room he was playing with his cars and he ran downstairs and said mommy can I get in the pool... She said like 15min after you eat you may and you should go call Tete jaee and tell her to drop darion off and me and trey will take you him and Trina Trey daughter to incredible pizza today.. He grabbed her phone off the counter and unlocked it.... She start singing fetty wap my way... She was singing when jayceon came and brought her the phone and said jaee was on the phone he had a frown on his face and she said okay and hung up she kneed down to jayceon and said boy fix yo Damn face you are my big boy jayceon and you are going to have fun today okay , so after breakfast you may get in the tub until Trey goes and gets Trina ... After like a hour I grabbed my phone and lolly keys we were going to my house later to get my car , I told lolly gone get jayceon ready and me and Trina would be back in like a hour or two so I can get her ready and me ready she said okay and I left out and after like a good 30mins I pulled up to my baby momma brandy house ... I got out the car and went up to the door and rung the doorbell and brandy opened the door and Trina ran to me and screamed daddy!!!! I said hay princess she said daddy I missed u I said I missed you more baby and brandy jumped in and said I missed you too Trey and I said dats wassuh yaknoo.... She looked at me crazy and Trina ran upstairs to get her bag for the weekend..... She came back down and looked outside and said daddy where is your Bugatti I said baby I am in my friend car right now that's who we are going out with ... My friend and her son... Brandy looked at me crazy and I was like bitch tf u looking at but I grabbed Trina and her bag she told brandy bye and we left... We got in the car and she wanted to listen to foreign and we were both singing in the car.. We pulled up to my house and I told her get her clothes ready she said she was going to wear a dress I said okay and went to my room to take a shower.... I was gone have a good day today..

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