Chapter 21

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Aug India and Chinas new house in MM

We had just finished packing everything up the new house is waiting on us. We were putting the last of our things in the truck. Everybody was here to see us. August said we needed to go. I kissed the girls and them bye. India got in the backseat and let the screen down for the movie. August pulled out and grabbed my hand. We had 14 hours to drive. This is going to be a long ass drive. We will most definitely be making a stop. Because August ass will fall asleep driving.
14 hours later...
I was now pulling into the driveway of the new house. India and August both were sleep. I tapped them both only for them to jump up. I honestly am shocked i made it driving the last 2hours. We got out the truck and walked up to the door. I unlocked the door and we walked inside the house it was beautiful in here. I really liked it. We were coming in and out the house bringing shit in and out. I walked my fat ass straight to the kitchen it was stocked up completely hell yes... I pulled out the steak thats what I wanted for dinner. India was upstairs playing in her new room. August was putting things up in our room.
Hours later....
The food was finally done. I sat our plates on the table and told them to come on to eat. They came to the table and we start eating our dinner. August said," India so how you like the new house?" She smiled and said," I love it and I am happy we moved now I can spend more time with you and mommy." I looked at her and said," What you mean babygirl?" She said," Well tete jaee and nem always had you busy with work so I never was able to really be with you and daddy aug is always working and daddy doesn't come see me anymore." August pulled her by her shirt and sat her in his lap and said," Babygirl your daddy will come around but I am here and mommy is here and so is your baby brother/sister on the way so be happy." She smiled and wiped her tears. I was going to make sure to call Dante. We were finally done eating and India was gone upstairs to take a shower. I start washing the dishes. Once I finally finished the dishes I walked upstairs to August & I bedroom and got my clothes out for my bath. I walked into the bathroom and start running me a bubble bath. August was in the shower. My water was done I stripped out of my clothes and slipped into my bath. I start washing up with my bath & body works. August came out of the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist and walked over to me and kissed my lips. I moaned through the kiss can't get enough of those lips. I finished my bath and got out. I dried off and got into my shorts and August shirt. I walked into our room and he was in bed watching the Saints play. I crawled into bed and kissed his cheek. He put his hand directly on my ass and start rubbing it. Before I knew it I was gone.

I can't believe we moved out here now in like 4months I was going to fly everyone out here for a surprise wedding. Me and India are going venue looking tomorrow while China goes to the mall with her sister. Her sister actually moved out here to Texas so she is going to keep her occupied till then. I just can't wait till she is China Alsina. Not only that she is carrying my baby too.

New house in the MM!

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