•Chapter 18•

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I was really trying to figure out why this bitch was here. She came up and said,"August you can sit around here and play daddy with baby that ain't yours but can't come take care of your own. He chuckled and said,"Wtf yo ass talking bout and yo ass betta bring it down for I beat yo ass rite hea." I opened the door and told Shay and India to go in the house. They walked in the house and I stood there in complete shock, I just know this nigga ain't got this hoe pregnant. She looked at me and said,"Poor hoe yo ass stupid as hell might as well get yo shit out of our house ain't that right August." We both shot our heads towards his ass because if he say yes my ass is gone and might not come back. August shook his head and said, " China you got to go you and India got to get out." I shook my head in disbelief I guess this nigga forgot I was pregnant but it's fine I am go take of mines by my damn self. I laughed and walked off. I went in the house and start packing all my shit. I told India to go in her room and get all of her things packed up we were going to go some where I don't know where but we about to go. Shay looked so sad so I stooped down to her level and said, " Babe don't be mad , you and India can still hang out at anytime and you are always welcome at our new home with me India and the new baby that's coming." She smiled and wiped the tear I guess that I didn't even recognized fell. I grabbed all of our stuff and decided to get my SUV instead. I made sure we had everything and called my sister Paris whom I barely talk about. India start crying for August and I shook my head as tears slowly fell down my face. I made sure she was strapped in and jumped out the truck and gave his lil baby momma the ring I had and said,"Apparently you deserve it more then I do." I got in my truck and pulled off. I text my sister saying, "get her second bedroom ready for me and India we were on our way to Missouri now."I stopped at jaee lolly and ivory house and told them wassuh and they would see me soon. I pulled up to the gas station and paid for the gas. I told india to put our favorite movie in and she could get in the front seat with me to watch it. She put Beyond The Lights in. I pulled off and hopped on the interstate. India said,"Mommy where are we going?" I looked at her and said," We are leaving to go see tete Paris she misses us and she wants to make sure she is around you and the new baby when they get here." She smiled and started watching the movie. After like 5 hours my baby was sound asleep. This was august 15th time calling my damn phone, I finally decided to answer.
Conversation 💔
China~ "what august!"
August~ "baby I am sorry I had to choose her she crazy and she is carrying my seed."
China~ "bitch I am carrying your damn baby too if you fucking forgot and then now I am driving all the way to fucking Missouri."
August~ "China just turn around we can fix this."
China~ "Nigga I will be back in like a week or so to get my shit if your ass don't prove to me how much you "LOVE" me , I am gone again and won't be back."
With that I hung up and kept driving. Hopefully he learns what he is loosing💔😪

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