||Chapter 16||

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||Days Later||

August was in the shower and I was bored as hell so I decided to call minnie me.
ıŋɖı💕-hayy mwmmy
ƈɧıŋą😘-hay baby..
ıŋɖı💕- mommy i miss you, daddy hasn't did anything with me.
ƈɧıŋą😘-okay baby I will be back in the morning and me and aug will take you some where.
ıŋɖʝ💕-okay bye bye.
She hung up. August came out the bathroom in his towel. He looked at me and said,"Whats wrong ma?" I shook my head and said,"It the fact that Dante has had her for damn near a week and hasn't did anything with her like what the fuck!" He pulled me into his lap and said,"Baby look at me if you want to go get India , we can leave tonight okay." I shook my head and said,"Okay baby I want to go get this Hindu tattoo (tattoo in MM) before we leave." He said okay and we went downstairs where everybody was and told them to pack up we were leaving tonight. Me and the girls left out to go get this Hindu tattoo and get tatted some more period.

Me & Chris are back together now and I think I might be pregnant again. Lolly been throwing up all damn morning I think she is pregnant and China seem like it she glowing. Mane if we all pregnant I might cry its go be 4 baby showers in one. We were now at this place to get the Hindu tattoo and I am so happy because I am ready to go home I miss my baby darion... After we leave here we are going to a real tattoo shop. I was hungry as hell and craving some pickles and bananas. I walked out the shop to this little fruit bar near by. I got my things and walked back in to see Lolly running to the bathroom throwing up again. Drea said,"If I knew any better I would think Lolly ass was pregnant again." We all bust out laughing.. After like 2 hours of sitting in these tattoo shops we were finally done and left to go back to the house and leave. As soon as we walked in the house the lights were dimmed and once we turnt them on you see Chris, August, Mike, and Trey on one knee with a ring in their hand. Drea ran to Mike and said,"Yes baby I will marry you."
The rest of us stood there shocked. I walked over to Chris and said," of course I will marry you stupid." Lolly ran to the bathroom.

I know what y'all probably thinking did she just run to the bathroom to get out of this engagement. Hell no I ran to the bathroom because I had to throw up. I start throwing up some more and more then I start getting lightheaded and passed out after I hit that damn ground everything went black. I could still still hear though. I heard trey come in the door and somebody picked me up. All of my friends were screaming and I heard them say bring her to the truck. The faster the truck went the more slowly my hearing went out.. I couldn't hear shit anymore.

I couldn't believe all my bitches were engaged now China did say yeah and we know Lolly is going to say yes so. But mane I know Lolly pregnant but it seems like she is going to have a hard pregnancy by the way she is constantly throwing up and then she just passed out. We had been sitting in this hospital for like four hours now , and the doctor finally  came up and said,"Family Of Lolly Westbrook." We all walked over to him and he said,"Well Ms. Westbrook is pregnant, but there is a problem. We have found out that she also has cancer. Now she can still give birth to this baby but she will have to take care of herself perfectly. Now we can do kimo therapy and we have to make sure she is at every doctor's appointment and take all of her meds." We all stood there in shock my nigga pregnant and has cancer. This shit is crazy it hurts to see the hurt in Trey eyes he really loves Lolly and now he has to deal with the fact that she could be gone any day now. They said that she could leave and all this throwing up is practically normal in her position. We got her prescription and Trey carried her back to the car. The ride back to the house was quiet as hell. Nobody said nothing all you heard was the wind from the speed of the truck. Once we got in the house everybody went upstairs to pack their bags.

I couldn't believe I was getting married to the man I am deeply in love with. Mike has been there for me since I was a hoe back in the day. I have cheated and did a lot of shit to hurt him but I always knew he would be the man I married. We don't fuck we make love and I love it. I also couldn't believe my Lolly boo got cancer and she is pregnant. I turnt to Mike and said,"Baby I want a baby." He said,"Drea you can't reproduce." I stale faced him
and said,"No shit Sherlock, I mean can we adopt." He looked like he was in deep thought and said,"Thats not a bad idea, so yeah we get back later on tonight we can go to the agency tomorrow on our break." I squealed in excitement and then it was time for us to go. Mike grabbed my bags and carried them downstairs. We all left got in the truck and left. Back home we go Vegas you were the shit trust me on that.. Once we got on August plane he kept rubbing China stomach, I screamed,"Oh shit china you pregnant." She smiled and said,"Yes drea I am pregnant again." Now all we waiting on is Jaee to tell us if she is or she isn't..

Chapter 17 will be published either tomorrow or the day after.

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