Chapter 19

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1 week later


It has been a full week since my baby had been gone and I hated this shit. I barely even remembered this hoe name talking bout she pregnant by me. I miss China & India. They keep me smiling and knowing that China was pregnant made my heart warm. China & India are now back but they don't know that I know. I am going to surprise them at the mall with my niece and the other girls. I had just got done getting dressed and shit. I made sure my grill was in and I got ready to go. I walked outside to my Range. I haven't driven my baby in a little minute. I hooked my phone up to the radio and start playing my new song by Lil Wayne & I called Why I do it. I pulled up to this shop where they make the most expensive pieces of jewelry and things for the best. China is the best and so is India. I got out the truck and walked in. Once I got inside she said," August how are you and are you ready for today good luck baby boy , and your ass bet not cheat on her anymore!" She slapped me upside the head. She brought the ring outside of the back. It was gorgeous and I knew it was all she deserved. I got the box and the bag. I walked out to the truck and pulled off towards the mall. I got out the truck once I got there and called Jaee. She didn't answer but she did text me saying we are in DASH.  I got on the elevator and went up to the store. I saw all the girls except  China , so Lolly said, "China hurry your thick ass up shit ain't nobody got all day to be waiting on yo slo ass." China said," Lolly shut yo miniature dick ass up talking to me y'all ass the ones who wanted me to try this shit on like I got some where to be or a man to impress shit my man hurt me constantly what the fuck I got not a damn thing." I sighed and then India turned around and almost yelled my name till Jaee said ," India if you say that damn name outloud I will beat the living day out of you." She ran over to me and said," Auggie I miss you so much it does not feel right you not getting me up in the morning for school or being there to tell me my bedtime story.  I felt so bad and said," Hopefully after today everything  will go back to normal." She smiled and said," Okay but mommy should be out in one second. That's when we heard the door open and she came out in this dress and some heels with her hat on and in a pony tail. She still hadn't recognized me so India ran back over towards them and  said, " Mommy you look beautiful let me take your picture." She took the phone from China and I walked over to her and start singing her favorite song I Wanna Be  by my main nigga Chris. She start tearing up once I got on one knee. As tears slowly fell from my eyes I said," China yes I did fuck up but Baby I swear you are seriously the most important woman in my life I love you more than anything you mean the world to me. I help you with Indi because I look at her as my daughter as well because YOU China are the woman I want to spend the rest of  my life with you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on and You know more than anyone in here I do not cry over anything but baby you are something to cry over so I do not mind crying over you. I love you China Westbrook- Alsina."  She broke down crying and India ran over and said," Mommy no tears I love Auggie, He makes you happy and that makes me happy because you are the best mommy ever and Auggie you are the best daddy ever." I was still on one knee and she said," August Anthony Alsina I love you more than anything in this world. You mean the world to me even when you do fuck up and make me want to beat the shit out of you but baby no body can come between what we have here , so of course I will take you back and I will marry you. I stood and she cried into my chest and India squeezed herself in and said," I love you Auggie." That warmed my heart and I said," I love you more India." I picked her up and China was about to walk off till I grabbed her and said," Where is my smooches woman? and let me put this ring on your finger." She stood there and I bent down and  slid the ring on her finger and then I remembered that I got India a bracelet with her name craved into it. I stood up and pulled it out. I gave it to India and she said," Ima G my daddy keep me looking good." We all bust out laughing and China walked to the dressing room and changed back into her outfit and bae was looking sexy as hell. I was happy as hell my family was starting to get to where it should be now.


I was so touched by what Aug did today I was shocked as hell. I love August more than anything so yeah I forgave him when I probably shouldn't have. I smiled  to myself thinking about him. I finally changed back into my sweats and walked out. My babies was talking I grabbed my drink and walked over to them. August stood up and pecked my lips constantly . I smiled at the fact that I had a sexy as baby all to myself. That lil hoe that claims she is pregnant fails to realize China Westbrook- Alsina aint going no where. I am a soon to be Alsina. I paid for the dress and shoes and August got me a new purse outside of Aldo. We walked inside Journeys so we could get  India something to wear for dinner tonight. August was taking us out. He wants to meet my sister actually so we are going to drive to Missouri tomorrow so she can see us before she leaves for Italy with her husband Troy. We got India's outfit and headed out. Once we got outside August was parked right beside us. I hit the lock to my truck. India jumped in and got in the back seat with her food. I hit the trunk and helped August put our bags in the trunk . Once we were done I closed it and he said," Baybeh when are y'all coming home?" I smiled and said," Right after we leave the nail shop in a about a hour , it is just a day with the my WCE wit her bad self." I said smiling at him . I stood on my tippy toes and put his hand on my tummy and said, "this is a little us and tell that little hoe I am going to tolerate her until we get out results back on if the baby yours or not. But that bitch better not be in our bed and my stuff bets to be still in my closet and drawers everything and  India things better be in her room safe and sound or I am going to set it off , now I have to go before we are late I love you Baby." He smiled and kissed me and said," I love you mo ma."  He got in his Range I rolled my window down and said," You actually brought the baby out today its been a while since you have driven the Range." He chuckled and said,
" I know this your favorite of all of my cars so I drove this today as good luck." I smiled and said," Nigga bye and don't think I am playing I will kill dat hoe." He got in and I pulled out first and me and my baby start listening to Liquor and Zero we were all into that junt too. Didn't even recognize we were at the shop now. The things I Do With the Love of MY life India Westbrook. CI5L  MY baby is my lock key all of it nobody can break India & I bond.

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