Wedding Day- 22

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Last Chapter...
It was finally the day I was marrying the LOVE OF MY LIFE! Everyone was on their way to Texas now. China is excited. Her, India, and Paris were gone to get their hair done. My momma and I were walking around with the caterer. I heard my name being called I turned around to see Ivory, Jaee, and Lolly.. I hugged them and lolly & jaee both were getting huge. Jaee spoke up and said," Where China at?" I smiled and said," They should be on their way back she had to go get her hair done.. Y'all can go up to her room as a surprise if you like.." They all walked inside the house and went up to the room my beautiful bride would be in. I walked over to the other part where me and the boys would be. I set everything up because the men should be on their way up here because it's about time for the barbers to be on the way which  means its close to the time for me to get ready to make this family officially the Alsina's.. We all start getting chopped up and then I walked into the main bathroom and got in the shower. I showered for a good 45 mins and then start getting ready. I looked at myself and thought damn I look good. I slid into my clothes and then walked out to see all of my groomsmen and little ring barrier looking all handsome (no homo) and shit. I looked at the time to see it was 4:45 we needed to go ahead and head downstairs. The reception started at 5:00. We all did a small prayer and walked down. I stood there waiting. The clock dinged and I knew it was time..... The bridesmaids started coming on out and then it  was the flower girls and ring barrier. Then finally she started walking down the aisle. She looked beautiful in her dress and she was blushing like a teenage girl going on her first date. I smiled as she finally made it to me. She smiled and wiped the small tear that had fell.  The minister finally started... We said our vows and then it was time for me to kiss those beautiful lips..  We shook up and the we ended with a beautiful kiss and causing India yell," EWWWWWW mommy and daddy kissed!!!!" I smiled and pulled away. We looked at each other and the minister said," THE ALSINA'S!!!" India ran up and I caught her and spun her around I smiled because now I was finally complete. She went from Stripping to now being the love of my life..... GONE AND GET YA MONEY Because I wasn't gone judge now she is the woman carrying my baby and the love of my life. 

Dresses, Suits, Cake in the MM

This is the END of GET YA MONEY!!!!

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