Chapter 20

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India & I had just pulled up to the house. August text me saying," This bitch wouldn't leave." India & I were going to help her go. We walked inside the house and start taking all of her things and putting them at the door. She came downstairs and said," AUGUST ANTHONY ALSINA WHY IS THIS HOE AND HER DAUGHTER HERE?" I bust out laughing and said, " Bitch he is mines always has been always will be so do yourself a favor and get out." She scoffed and pushed me only for that ass to get punched in the mouth. She stood up and said," Why her august she ain't shit but an ex hoe. Who the hell strips and finally stops when she gets with a celebrity you a hoe babygirl you ain't no real woman , I hope yo babydaddy takes this little girl away from you stupid bitch. That shit seriously hurt like damn am I seriously a bad mother because I use to strip and shit like dang bitch. I couldn't and I wouldn't let this hoe know that it hurt me either so I just told August to get her out of here and took India upstairs. India was getting things in her drawer for a shower. I hooked up my flat irons and stuff so I could do her hair. I walked inside of August & I room and got her chair out. I turned the TV to the VMA's so we could watch this. School starts in a week so this week I will be spending the week getting my baby some more shoes and clothes for school. I was about to flatiron her hair and I may braid it in the front and put it all in a bun. August walked in the room and said," Look at my big girl ; she go look so pretty for this school year and tell them little boys your step dad is crazy I will hurt one of they lil asses." I laughed at how serious he was. We were all right now laughing at how Nicki just confronted Miley like Nicki such a bad bitch. I looked at August and said," What would it be like if we moved, As in me, you, Indi, and the baby.." He smiled and said," It would probably be better we could start fresh." I smiled at the thought of that. India had now fell asleep while I was doing her bun. I finished up and put her scarf on her head. She would take an shower in the morning before we leave. August took her to her room. Dante hasn't came and saw India in like almost a month I don't know what the fuck that's about. I cleaned up the stuff I had out and got my sports bra and shorts for my shower. I hopped in the shower and start cleaning myself up when I looked at my stomach I saw my little bump. I rubbed it and fell into deep thought I do want to move. I honestly do love my girls and the people their with but I can't stay with them for ever it's time for us to go our separate ways. I got out the shower and dried off. I slid into my bra and underwear along with my shorts. I walked into our room to see August laying back in bed. I love this man with all of me. I have never been that girl that will die to be with an celebrity but I don't care that August is famous I love him for him. I climbed in bed with him and snuggled into his neck. I start playing with strings on his sweat pants , he knows when I do that its something on my mind. He looked at me and said, " What's on your mind ma?" I sighed and said, " August I don't want to be here anymore like I just want to leave all of this crazy ass drama here in Atlanta. Can we move to like somewhere you wouldn't see most celebrities staying? Like Texas, Minnesota, Tennessee, some where around that way?" He looked at me and said," I have been to a lot of places but I think we could go to Texas or Tennessee. You know what we will let Indi pick." I smiled and said alright. For the rest of the night we watched reruns of EMPIRE. I eventually just dosed off.


We had just got up and today China & India were going school shopping while I go to AutoBahn with my niggas. Ivory crazy ass is out of town right now, Jaee was working, Lolly is out of town too, and Drea of course is home not doing a damn thing with his life. I finished getting dressed and walked downstairs to see China tying up Indi timberland up. Soon as Indi saw me she ran to me and screamed ,"DADDY!!" I smiled and picked her up and told them to have an good day. We all walked out. I locked the house up, China got in her audi. I jumped inside of my Chevy. She pulled out first and turned right and I went left. I pulled into AutoBahn. I walked in to see all my niggas. They had already got us signed up. We walked to the back and waited for our names and stuff to be called. I walked over to the vending machine and got me a sprite. I took a sip of my drink and walked over to these weak ass niggas. Trey said,"Wassuh niggas..." I sighed and said,"Shit nhun me and China nem might be moving to Texas or Tennessee." They looked at me like I had 10 heads or some. Chris said,"Nigga you can't take my damn bestfriend from me you cant do that!" I laughed and said,"Nigga she barely like yo ass." They finally called our names to race. We decided on making this a lil friendly bet. Who ever loose owes everybody $500 and he also owes dinner. We walked over to the cars and the man said go and August zoomed out.
1hour later...
Trey was rambling on about how he lost and wanted a rematch. I came in first but I am now $500 richer. This will go to my baby dinner. We all went to Popeyes and back to my house. We were all in here smoking a blunt and eating. China and India came in and Indi ran to me saying,"Daddy look what mommy bought me." I smiled and said,"Its pretty baby girl go put it upstairs." She ran upstairs and China was about to go up till I said,"Baybeh I know you ain't gone not come over here and give yo man a kiss." She smiled and walked over to me and sat in my lap and pecked my lips. THIS GIRL IS THE REAL SOON TO BR MRS.ALSINA...

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