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Author's pov:-

Jungkook never left his eyes away from his wife who is wiping her tears of joy "I love you" he mouthed getting a shy smile from her. He slowly walks up to her gently extending his hand "May I?" waiting patiently for hers. He softly took her hand and guide her towards the stage where his 6 brothers has been waiting with cakes with full of surprises..

 He softly took her hand and guide her towards the stage where his 6 brothers has been waiting with cakes with full of surprises

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"Pink! PINK!! It's a Girl!!!!" Taehyung happily clap as pink candies started flowing down the cake...

"Yes, baby.. we are having a baby girl" Jungkook softly kiss Y/n's lips softly who is tearing up from happiness..

The party went on smoothly.. Laughter and soft music filled the house.. Jungkook has been sticking with Y/n, not even letting her go for a second from his sight.. "Kookie-ya~ You should go and enjoy with them" You whine pointing towards the 6 crackheads doing whatever they weren't supposed to do but does it anyway. "Ummm... Nah... I'm happy with you" His reply was short but looking at him, everyone could easily tell that he is head over heels in love with you and is enjoying every second with you. You were about to protest but accidentally makes eye contact with Jimin and then... you... realized...


"So... How are you feeling?" Jimin asks you as he carefully sits beside you. You let out a deep sigh sulking and playing with your hands trying your hardest to distract yourself  "Better.... Just.. Bored!" you sigh again pouting

His chuckle grabbed your attention "I can't wait to see the little you" he said still smiling making his eyes disappear into a thin line
"What if it's a little Jungkook?" you question making him burst out laughing as he falls off the sofa

His chuckle grabbed your attention "I can't wait to see the little you" he said still smiling making his eyes disappear into a thin line"What if it's a little Jungkook?" you question making him burst out laughing as he falls off the sofa

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I widen my eyes realizing that he had already exposed the gender of my baby and I being the dumb ass bi*ch didn't even know it... Wahhhh.... waaaahhhhh....

I saw him laughing his ass off probably from how dumbfounded I looked.

"You okay?" Jungkook snap me out of my delusional state bringing me back to reality should I even answer at this point? I'm so freaking disappointed in myself.. You dumb little Bit*hhhh!!!!

Regrets!! 2  (Jungkook X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now