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The doctor said there is only a 20% chance for Y/n to wake up from Coma... But I have high hopes for that 20%... I still don't wanna give up... Everyone has a different opinion including me... Sometimes I feel like fighting until she wakes up... But since it's already been 2 years and looking at her clinging to her life with all the machines hooked up... Broke my heart... New bruises appear every day from the syringes and machines.. Y/nie-yaa... Our baby is so grown up now... She's extraordinary just like you... She learns to speak... To walk...very fast.. she's very talented... Please... Please wake up my love... She misses you a lot... I... I miss you so much...
"Mr. Jeon.. The visiting time is over" the nurse announced once again.. This has become a daily routine for me.. After dropping Jaemi at kindergarten I spend my whole day with Y/n.. Talking about random things to her... About my daily life, about Jaemi... Sometimes about my 6 idiot brothers... Hoping that she'll reply to me ... at At least once...

With a light sniffing and wiping off my tears, I kissed her forehead softly "See you tomorrow love

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With a light sniffing and wiping off my tears, I kissed her forehead softly "See you tomorrow love... I'll bring your favorite flower for you." Softly whispering and with one last light squeeze on her hands, I left the hospital with a heavy heart not having the courage to look back. As soon as I lock myself inside my car, I bawl my eyes out.. This punishment is so harsh... Please I'm begging... Give her back to me, please.... I wish if I could turn back the time... To where we first meet...


"Appaa~" little Jaemi runs towards his father's arms as Jungkook lift her up and kissed her cheeks making her giggle cutely "I miss you my princess" he smiled brightly as he watch her little ones giggle and play with her dad's fluffy hair "I miss you too appa~"

"Kookie is back everyone!!!" Jimin yelled alerting everyone in the house instantly lighting up the mood "Appa I'm hungwyyy~" little Jaemi whined as her cute little stomach growled indicating that she is indeed telling the truth making everyone burst out laughing... This is the only time Jungkook smile or laughs... Only for Jaemi...

"The dinner is ready our Princess" Jin tickled Jaemi taking her away from Jungkook's arms "Appa~ come down fast okie..." With that, she walks away with Jin towards the dining room..

"Jungkook-ah... Any improvement?" Yoongi ask but his face instantly dropped when Jungkook shake his head with teary eyes. He hugged his little maknae softly patting his back and continuously murmuring "I'm so sorry" as Jungkook sobbed lightly afraid that his little child might notice.

Nobody notice how Yoongi is suffering.. how many nights he stayed awake..the days he counted felt like ages... But deep down he knows that he has to stay strong for his beloved people... For Jungkook... For Jaemi.. Till now Jungkook is trying to hold himself but no one knows when he'll let go of everything or when he'll give up .. Yoongi knows very well how barely Jungkook is holding up... How much he misses his love...


"See you later appaa~" Jaemi kisses his father's cheek as she happily skips inside her kindergarten.. "See you my child" With tears in his eyes Jungkook whispers watching his child happily enter her class..

"Oh, Mr. Jeon... Good morning" The doctor greeted him as he prepare to check Y/n's health condition "Morning Dr... How's her health.."

He smiled... A genuine kind smile instead "We have a good news Mr. Jeon" I widen my eyes.. it's the first time in 2 years that he said something positive... "Mrs. Jeon no longer needs breathing support... Her heartbeat is working on it's own and she's breathing her own now... This is a positive sign" warm tears welding up my eyes as I hug the doctor tight "Thank you... Thank you so much doctor.." he softly pats my back

"Let's hope for the best" I don't know whether I should trust him or not but the happiness blooming inside me engulfed my whole body making everything sound positive.

"Appaaaa~" As soon as I enter my house I'm instantly greeted by my little girl. Smiling at her cuteness "Jaemiii~" I slightly act cute like her stretching my arms wide for her.
"Appa Yoongi uncle cried today" hum? what does she mean... W-why would Yoongi Hyung cry?

"Jaemie-ya~ did you give a booboo to Uncle Yoongi?" I really don't know whether she is telling in a joking way or did he cried for real.

"No..No booboo for Uncle Yoongi... I...ummmm .... I wanted to scare him but he was crying in his room..." She complains pouting cutely as tears start to weld up in her little sparkling eyes "shhh....shhhh... Don't cry baby... Come here (hugs her little girl) Appa is sorry.... I'll go and ask why Uncle Yoongi cried okay... You don't need to worry about it anymore hum" gently patting her small back I rock our body a little bit to calm her down.

"Realllyyy~ (Jungkook Nodded) Yeahhhh~ Appa you the best" I smiled at her sudden change of mood Y/n... She's exactly like you...
Knock knock!! No answer... What the... Hyung if you don't answer this time I'll enter- *DOOR OPEN AND COME FACE TO FACE WITH A VERY SLEEPY YOONGI*
"WHAT!" Rudeeeee... I was just concerned about you.... I roll my eyes giving the same attitude as him "I'll poke your eyes if you do that again" haha... Gotcha...
With a deep yet short frustrated sigh "Hyung do you wanna talk to me?" What the hell am I saying....
"What!! What do you mean Coconut?" Ouch, why is he so rude... But he's like that always...

"Why did you cry?" Great, I'm straightforward... Don't blame me ..
He was silent for a minute getting off-guard and I could see the change in his facial expression but composed himself once again "A-are you c-crazy?.. Haaa ME... CRY!" He tried to sound sarcastic but I know something is off with him... "Hyung... You know .. you can always talk to me... I'm always -" *Close the door straight to his face

 I'm always -" *Close the door straight to his face

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I spun around and was about to leave but he stopped me "Come in" with that he leave the door open as if he's inviting me in.
The silence in this room is killin me... It slowly suffocates me as the time goes by... Hyung say something.... I don't even know when did we Become this distant.... Awkward!!!!!

"Jungkookah... I... I wanna tell you something..."....


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Guys.... How can I end the story without epilogues.... 😉😉😉

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