Chapter 3

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3 months later

"You've been going to see her everyday, Kade. You need to rest, baby," My girlfriend, Lola sighs as I grab a cup of coffee to go. We officially got together a week after Sage's overdose and she's been an angel.

"I promised Ms. Chandler that I'd keep her and Mr. H. updated on Sage," I took a generous sip of coffee and Lola wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest. "Still no change?"

I shake my head. Sage flatlined twice in the ambulance, three times in hospital. They'd pumped all the pills out of her stomach, but she'd suffered a seizure and fell into a coma. Her parents decided to amicably divorce and they've been frequently visiting to see her.

Kyle on the other hand, hasn't seen his sister. He shut himself off from talking about Sage. I've been visiting everyday in case she wakes up so she's not pissed about being alone.

"Give her my best and try to rest please," Lola stretches up on her tip toes and kisses me. I tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ears, "I'll come over tonight anyway, babe." Giving her one last peck, I headed out to my BMW i8, my newest baby I'd purchased last month.

The drive to Lake Shore Medical is a normal occurrence these days. The roads are wet from a much needed rain for the last few days, but my BMW i8 drives like a fucking dream. As always, I stopped at Daisy's flower shop and purchase Sage's favorite flowers. Roses. For someone so dark inside, Sage loves flowers, but roses of any kind on any occasion, got to her.

"I've got those rainbow roses ready for you, Kade," Daisy's neice, Bella, beams from behind the counter. "Still no change?" I shake my head and her face falls. Bella was close with all of us, but Sage used to babysit her back in high school and when news spread around town about Sage, Bella was devastated.

"Hopefully they'll be improvement today," I offer as she arranged the roses in a perfect bouquet. I pull out my card when she holds her hand up. "Aunt Daisy said all of your purchases are free as long as they're for Sage."

Taking the flowers I salute Bella and head out. To say that what happened to Sage didn't somehow change the town, well it didn't. The cops haven't even tried to find her attackers, not that there's much to go on in that regard. After we got back from the hospital, we completely ransacked Sage's room and found that she'd kept a steady supply of everything from weed to exctasy.

Parking in front of the family reserved spot, I take a breath and rub my temples. "Today, Sage, is gonna wake up. Please." I've been doing this everyday, hoping and praying, something I hadn't done when both my parents died. But something shifted in me seeing Sage like that, seeing her heart stop, physically being there while they resuscitated her multiple times. I just need to be here. With her.

I'm surprised to see Kingsley Henderson sitting by his daughter's bedside, his quiet words and shaking shoulders. Mr. H. usually visits twice a week if he can, but he always lets Kyle know he's in town. I knock on the door and he wipes at his eyes before turning to me. "Kade, good to see you. How's everything going with school? Kyle?"

Of course I've been designated as Kyle's babysitter since the other Henderson child is in a coma. I shrug, a small smile pulling on my lips, "school's good. Cant wait for baseball season though. Kyle's been focused on getting back on the team." Lies. I'm not sure what Kyle's up to these days, but I won't tell his father that.

Putting Sage's flowers in the table next to her bed, I park myself in my usual seat next to her. "Any progress? I know doc said her brain activity isn't deteriorating so that's good, right?"

"He thinks that the odds of her waking up aren't great the longer she's gone. She could have severe brain damage from all the little girl. Excuse me, Kade." His voice breaks and he waltz out the room. My gaze lands on the frail, pale skinned, girl with dull blond hair and chapped lips. "Jeez you'd think these people would keep your lips from chapping." I take in her face. The bruising and swelling have gone down and disappeared. Her brows have grown out from lack of maintenance, the freckles on her nose more visible without makeup to cover them. What holds my gaze is the tube coming from her connected to the ventilator, the only thing keeping her alive essentially.

I stroke my fingers down her face absently, careful not to scratch or bruise anything. "So here's the thing. You've got to wake the hell up, Sage. I mean it. Kyle is a mess and your parents aren't much help either," I sigh as Katie, one of Sage's nurses walks in.

"Nice pick this time, Kaden. How's that girl of yours doing?" She asks as she checks Sage's vitals, a hum of satisfaction coming from her once she's finished.

"Uh good. Lola's looking for volunteer work this year so that's been keeping her busy," my eyes flick to Sage and I feel this pang when I mention Lola. Why? Lola is my girlfriend. Sage? Sage is my best friend's annoying ass little sister, but this feeling nagging at me won't go away.

"Is she still into psychiatry? She might benefit from volunteering here at Lake Shore. I'm sure the psychiatric floor would love to have her," Katie smiles and begins checking for bed sores and infections. "Dr. Stone's been in to talk to her Dad. He said there's a possibility of her coming off of the ventilator soon. Her last labs looked very promising."

Katie's a doll for keeping me in the loop. The Hendersons did name me Sage's emergency contact if anything happens, but it's nice to hear it in normal terms. "She's a fighter, this one. So how bad do you think the long term effects are?"

Katie scrunches up her face as she thinks, her hands gentle as they move Sage, keeping her muscles from going into atrophy. "I'll be honest, she has a really rough road ahead of her. She'll probably have cognitive difficulties. Coma's are a whole different beast. She'll need lots of care when she gets out of here, you know." Yeah, I know. I'm gonna be the one taking care of her.

By the time I got back home, Kyle was already dressed and having Rosalie set up food for our weekly game night. Any excuse just to kick back with our friends have a few beers and talk shit is fine by me. "Sweet nacho spread, Rosie. I take it Veronica and Angelica will be here Monday to clean up as well?" Ms. Chandler insisted on having a small staff for us for when we have a parties and shit. Kyle and I do the clean up on Sundays since the staff have the night off.

"They will be here tomorrow as scheduled as well as Saturday after your party. I've already meal prepped for the weekend and heating instructions are labeled," she smiles and plates me a serving of nachos. "How's Miss. Sage?" I notice how Kyle stiffens the moment he hears his sister's name. "She's the same. Doc seems to think the ventilator can come off soon. Your dad came by to see her."

"Why? She's a fucking vegetable! Just waiting to die!" Kyle storms out of kitchen, slamming the door behind him. Rosie and I exchange a look before I shrug, "I'll talk to him. Thanks for cooking all this food, Rosie. Have a good night and tell Jack I'll see him at the batting cages."

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