Chapter 41

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"Did you make Rosie cook all of this?" Sage groans, popping a piece of pepperoni in her mouth. I may have went overboard on the spread tonight, but my girl was feeling like a casual movie night with pizza... So I had pizzas, goat cheese balls, truffle fries and milkshakes made. Sage and I are curled up on the couch of the treehouse, the first time we've had alone time in days since we got together. I can't say I don't miss having her in my arms and breathing in that delicious lavender scent that's always her.

"Actually Rosie's cooking for tonight and prepping for tomorrow morning and asked if I wanted the extras so I told her we're having a movie night and Kyle's out with some guys from the team so it's plenty for us," I kiss the top of her head as we watch the romantic comedy where the guy is hopelessly in love with his best friend who's marrying a total fucking douche. "Imagine if that was us, huh?" I laugh and she plants a kiss on my neck. "I don't think you'd let me get engaged to some asshole that was cheating on me, now would you?" She asks and I don't miss the way her nails dig a little into the fabric of my shirt.

"Of course not, Firefly," I vow, taking her hand in mine and kissing her open palm. Sage giggles and I swear it's the sweetest sound I've ever heard. "So, does this mean I'll get a New Year's kiss  tonight?" I ask, running my fingers through her sandy locks. Apparently Sage's mom knows about us and if she knows, I'm betting Kingsley knows as well. Not that I want to hide our relationship. I just don't want to push Sage into making king things public. Not until we find the bastard that attacked her.

"If you're a good boy," she teases, biting her lip and I chuckle at the blush creeping up on her newly tanned skin. "I'm still not sure about the party anyway. I mean, it's a lot of temptation and I've..." She trails off, wringing her hands in the blanket on her lap as I squeeze her closer. The Henderson New Year's Eve parties have been a tradition since we were kids and for the most part, it's an opportunity for networking for the parents, but for us kids? We tend to overindulge and it's usually sex, alcohol or drugs.

I've been keeping an eye on Sage during Christmas and she seems a hell of a lot stronger than she used to be, but I won't let her slip back into that lifestyle. "We could always watch movies in your room, you know after we do the while song and dance for your parents?" I suggest, nuzzling her hair, which smells like coconut and vanilla. Sage sighs and wraps her arms around me, her fingers slipping under my shirt to find the bare skin of my stomach and I suck in a breath. With everything that's happened we've kept it a few kisses and cuddling and sure I'm always rocking a hard on for my girl, but I'd never cross that line unless she tells me she's ready.

"Mom said I didn't have to go if I didn't want to when we went shopping on the way home, but I bought a few dresses in case I do," she looks up at me with a smile that brightens her baby blue eyes. "Besides, it's our first outing as a couple, babe." I can't help the way my lips curve into a grin at her proclamation. The only problem is we haven't talked to her dad or brother. Kingsley, I'm sure, wouldn't care so much about my intentions with Sage, but whether or not this would be a distraction from her part to sobriety and healing.

Kyle, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Dude's protective nature goes above and beyond with his sister and my track record with women before Lola is less than ideal. I'll admit I was a fuck 'em and leave 'em type. The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt the beautiful creature, whose now groaning in frustration as she peels herself from the warmth of my side, leaving me cold in her wake. I know we should be getting ready for the festivities tonight and us guys are getting fresh hair cuts and drinks before dinner.

"I should go," she leans down, sending her blonde locks around her face like a curtain as her lips brush mine. "Kyle's been so secretive about the after festivities." She bites her lip and looks away for a second before I grab her chin, forcing her eyes back on me with a lifted brow. "Does he think I can't handle a party? I'm totally fine with drinking."

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