Chapter 5

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1 month later

"So here's the thing. I need you to wake the fuck up. Kyle is a mess, not your level of mess, but he's not dealing with..." I wave my hand at Sage's comatose body as if waiting for a snappy response. "You being here, there, wherever the fuck your subconscious took you to, needs to get back here." I rest my elbows on her bed, careful not to bruise her. The doctors keep saying her brain activity is progressing and they even took her off the ventilator last week so she's breathing on her own, but the stubborn bitch is still not waking up.

"How's my patient today?" Katie beams, handing me a coffee and I take a much needed sip. "Hmmm. Not bad for hospital coffee. She's stubborn, but good. Doctor Stone said her recent scans look promising." She squeezes my hand reassuringly. "Coma's are tricky beasts. It can take days, weeks, months or even years before a patient wakes up. Just be patient and keep talking to her and letting her know she's not alone."

Visiting Sage has become as much a part of routine as going to the gym. I text her parents with updates often and her mom bought a condo in the city so she can visit as much as work permits her to. Kyle's been pushing himself to get back to baseball and while physically he's ready, it's all the mental shit he's still dealing with.

During my visits, I catch up on all my assignments and catch Sage up about all the shit she's missing. It's always after visiting hours when I leave and for some reason, there's a hesitation to leave Sage alone.

Granted, she's been moved to a private room with round the clock care, a part of me wants, no, needs to be the one to care for her. My mind wonders back before shit got crazy, before Sage lost her way, before Kyle and I took responsibility for the fucked up choices she made, before the drugs...before she was raped.

Before I know it, I'm slamming the front door and stomping up the stairs and then I'm stuck standing in front of her door, my mind flickers to all the times I'd barge into room demanding she hand over whatever party favors she had for the night or kicking out whatever asshole was getting his dick wet fucking her. I press my hand to the white wood surface as if the cosmos can send a signal to her that we're waiting for her and I do what I've always done for the last four months, I cross the threshold into Sage's space.

Her bedroom is large similar to mine in layout, though she has double walk in closets, her king size bed decked out in lavender and white bedding, the stuffed bear she's had since she was five, Mr. Cuddles sits tucked into the middle of her bed. The L shaped desk sits in the corner of her room to the left of her windows organized and undisturbed other than the routine dusting done weekly.

As I walk around the room I notice the citrus and vanilla scent that is Sage has disappeared under the scent of the wall freshener currently filling the room with a pumpkin spice scent, her favorite for the season. Her bathroom door is open and I take a moment to picture Sage seated at her vanity, gossiping with her friends about who's fucking who, which guy they'd fuck, who's party they're going to and I get angry. "You should be here, Sage. You should be enjoying your senior year with friends." Her mom's kept her bathroom stocked with all her favorite products for when she wakes up.

Deciding to not torture myself further, I step out of her bathroom to find Kyle leaning against the wall across her room. "Hey, night watcher. What are you doing?" Closing the door behind me, and crossed my arms over my chest and raised a brow at him. "You'd have to actually step foot in here to know if I was a night watcher, bro." I know I'm poking the bear, but we'd been friends long enough for him to know to back off.

He shifts his feet and rubs the back of his neck, "uh Mom's putting together a slide show for...." Kyle clears his throat and blinks rapidly. "For Sage's birthday. My grandparents are coming for the holidays early to help out so she asked me to get a few pictures from Sage's wall to put in the video..." He finishes, tension coming off of him in waves. I sigh and throw my arm around his shoulders. "Come on, let's get fucked up. We've earned it."

We found ourselves sitting out by the outdoor fireplace, having split a bottle of his Dad's favorite bourbon and for the first time in ages, my best friend was back.

"Come on, you fucked her twice and then fucked her roomate!" I cackle, rolling a blunt. Kyle puts his fingers on his chin as though deep in thought and bursts out laughing. "Her roomate gives head like a fucking pornstar and that ass is fucking perfect!" He makes a smacking motion with his hands.

"See this is why I have a girlfriend. Your random ass hookups are tragic." I pour another drink and point to him. "What about Casey from freshman year. You fucked her in front of what ten people." I remember that night well, mostly because Sage snuck out to campus to go to some frat party with Erin.

"Turns out Casey is an exhibitionist. The more people that showed up the wetter she got." He whistles before taking the blunt from me. "One of the best sex I've ever had. She's single right?" I shrug, watching the flames dance in the night. "Last I heard she was fucking Tanner's roomate, Colby or something."

"Doesn't Tanner hate him?" Kyle asked, pulling his phone out. I raise my brows in question. "I'm dming her, dumbass."

I couldn't hold my laughter. "Are you that desperate for pussy, you're hitting up some girl you fucked over three years ago. That's sad, even for you." He smirks, and turns his head to the side, the flames of the fire dancing in his eyes.

"I've got options, friend. Lots of options." He chuckles. "Actually I think I'll take myself up on an offer I got earlier today." He takes a few gulps of bourbon and I'm sure Mr. H would pissed to see his prized bourbon being chugged as if it's a feature in a frat party.

My eyes wonder back to the fire as I take another hit. "Who's the lucky lady tonight." I hear him tapping away on his phone and then that low predatory chuckle of his. "Gabrielle Myers. Girls been after it for weeks now ever since I fucked her blond friend at Lola's party. You know the one that puked all over your car."

"Wait a minute. I thought you were off sorority girls?" Curiosity and a good high has me questioning my best friend's morals. Gabi's a good girl, a really good girl and I'm sure fun times will be had, but I know Gabi's in it for more than a one night stand. A slow smirk spreads across his face. "I meant I was off crazy fucking blondes looking for a fucking husband. Gabi's chill, if I recall you taking her for a ride."

"Just be careful with her, man. Gabi might say she's cool with a one nighter, but the girl is definitely a relationship kinda girl." I replied as he got up. "She'll be the friends with benefits kind if that's the case. Gotta blast so I can fuck that ass!" He throws out over his shoulder.

"I'm never telling that fucker anything." I mumble, killing the rest of the bottle.

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