Chapter 8

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Sage, Age 14

"Did you hear that Cole asked Savannah to homecoming?" Erin sighed next to me. She'd been crushing on Cole for awhile and they had a bit of a fling over the summer, but he hasn't said a word about it since school started.

"I bet his parents made him ask her. His dad's company is brokering a deal with her's. I heard my dad talking about it." I sipped my iced soy latte and crossed my legs. Erin's cool and our mom's are practically besties, so we became friends when her friends from junior high dropped her.

She glances at the fountain in our school's courtyard at the object of her affection. "So did Hunter actually ask you yet, or are we just gonna play it by ear?" Erin props her chin on her manicured hands before focusing her blue eyes on me. "I have no expectations with him. If anything he's probably scared my brother and his friends are gonna beat him up again." I laughed, sipping my latte. Truthfully, I wasn't sure I even wanted to go, but of course my parents would not have their daughter stay home on such an occasion.

"My mom's taking me dress shopping so you should totally come. I saw a dress the other day that would look perfect on you." Like a true friend, she took a picture of said dress to show me. It's a emerald green sequin fitted dress that stops above the knee with a slight plunging neckline. "There's a flared dress as well with the sequins on the top half. I put them both on reserved for you."

I smiled at her. Erin, for the most part, was as loyal as they come, granted she's a people pleaser, she's still a good friend to have around. The dismissal bell sounded and I gathered my Chanel backpack. "Coming over to mine?" Erin asked, flipping her hair effortlessly.

Before I could respond, I spotted my mother's driver, Anthony posted next to our town car. "I can't, Erin. I'm sure mother's got a list of things for me to be perfect on." I sighed dramatically and she laughed and linked her arm with mine as we walked to the carpool line. "Anthony when are you gonna marry me?" Erin asked when we approached the car. Anthony smiled politely, his eyes flicker to me briefly before he winks at Erin. "I don't know, maybe in like ten years."

"You'll be married then, I'm sure!" She giggles before hugging me. "Call me later so we can go over the French homework. Au revoir!" Her curls bounce as she walks to her own driver.

Anthony opens the rear door, but blocks me from getting in. "Everything alright, Monkey?" He asks, his tone light, but his eyes are dark and I shrug, dismissively. "Of course. I'm just tired and I've got lots of homework." His face is blank as he steps aside and I get into the car. I used to love when Anthony would pick me up from school. He'd take me to get pizza or pretzels or go shopping for the best toys or we'd go the park and feed the ducks. That was our routine before I found out about him and my mother.

"So how was school?" He asks his eyes shifting to mine in the rearview mirror. My spine stiffens as I see him taking a lengthy route toward home. "It's fine. Everyone's excited about homecoming." I made a point to turn my attention to my phone. He hates when I don't give him attention during our car rides and I hate being alone with him. I hate when he calls me Monkey. I hate him.

"Do you have a date already, Monkey?" He asks pulling over into the old park we used to go to. Anthony hates any attention I get from boys. "No, I don't. I'm not going anyway. Mother won't be pleased, but I bet you are." He smirks, unbuckling his seatbelt. "You let me worry about your mother, Sage. Right now I'm concerned with you. I hear your brother had to ward off Hunter Kane from asking you out." He turns to look at me, anger in his gaze.

I put my phone down on my lap, his eyes following the movement. "You've really grown up, haven't you? Not that scrawny little monkey climbing trees and beating the boys. No, you've turned into a beautiful princess. My beautiful princess." His eyes travel down my body and I cringe inside. I've barely filled out. My boobs are small, barely a b cup and I've got minimal curves at best, but he looks at me like I'm a Victoria Secret model. I'm not even beautiful, I'm average on a good day. "I have a gift for you, Princess. I think it's time I gave it to you, don't you?"

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