Chapter 13

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I'd pictured this moment for months. The feel of her small fingers squeezing my hand, the slight twitch in her body. The doctor came in just as I was updating everyone and he told me the process of her waking up could take a while, but keep talking to her and stimulating her. So I've been here telling her ridiculous stories of all the crazy shit that's been happening since she's been gone.

"I think Tanner might be getting over that thing with Erin." I sighed as Tanner followed by Mikey and Kyle walked through the door. Mikey stands by her bedside and presses a kiss on her forehead. "Almost there, Rockstar. Don't make us wait too long, kid."

He gives her other hand a squeeze and smiles when she squeezes back, her eyelids moving slowly before he eventually steals a muffin and makes himself at home by the window.

Tanner stands at the foot of Sage's bed and tickles her foot. His brows are raised when her foot twitches in response, "Holy shit! Sage is coming back!" He fist pumps the air and Kyle smacks the back of his head. "Shut the fuck up, dumbass. It's supposed to be peaceful and shit." He rolls his eyes before standing beside his sister.

The air in the room thickens with the mounting tension as we watch the emotions play across Kyle's face. I've been best friends with the guy practically my whole life and the only person who can break him is his baby sister. "Hey, Sagie. It's me, Kyle." He rubs the back of his neck and sighs, "I know I haven't been here, but I'm getting my shit together and I promise to be here for you no matter what."

My fingers thread through Sage's and we spend the night kicking back and ordering pizza, much to the chagrin of the staff. "Remember that time Mikey walked in on Sage changing her tampon!" Kyle burst out laughing as Mikey's face drains of color. I almost choke on the slice of pepperoni pizza I just bit into. "You swore you'd never bring that shit up again." Mikey grumbles and throws a piece of pepperoni at Kyle, who catches it in his mouth.

"I remember she was convinced she was in love with you." I burst out laughing as Mikey turned his glare on me. "She spent junior high following you like a lovesick puppy. It was so cute."

"I fucking hate you two," he grumbles as a knock sounded and Mr. Henderson walked into the room. His eyes fall on his daughter before he stands beside her and his blue eyes filled with hope as his fingers graze Sage's pale cheek. "Sweetheart, Daddy's here." He grasps her hand a kisses it. "Give me a squeeze if you can hear me." Her fingers give his hand a squeeze and he blows out a breath of relief.

"Alright gang." Katie emerges a few minutes later to check Sage's vitals. "She's got a long night ahead of her. She'll be mostly in and out before she regains consciousness completely over the next few hours. Just keep doing what you're doing." She begins stretching Sage's limbs. "Almost home, Sage."

"Is it alright if we stay overnight?" Kingsley asks as he holds Sage's free hand. Katie gives a small smile. "It's not really hospital policy to have more than one visitor overnight, but I can ask if it's okay for you guys to stay in the waiting room down the hall, but really not much is going to be happening other than keeping her muscles from going in to atrophy and monitoring her vitals along with stimulation, which Kade, here has done an excellent job with."

"I'd like to stay with my daughter." Kingsley announces and sits in the seat opposite me. My eyes flick over to Kyle and he raises a brow at his father and crossed his arms. "I think if anyone should be here with Sage it's Kade. He's basically been your messenger for the last few months, not that you and mom can stand to be in the same room with each other."

Tanner puts his hand on Kyle's shoulder and gives him a squeeze, "Now's not the time to get into this shit, Kyle. Sage needs a relaxing environment to wake up in, not toxic." Kyle's baby blue eyes narrow on his father before he shrugs out of Tanner's hold. "Fine, whatever. I'll be in the waiting room." He mumbled as he walks out the door.

Kingsley sighs, raking his fingers through his hair, "honestly, sometimes I feel like we've failed as parents. Yes, we love our children, but we've missed so many red flags with them." His gaze shifts to Sage, sadness in his blue eyes. "My daughter was in pain and I've been so focused on public image that I didn't get her the help she needs. I have strangers raising my kids and look what that's done to them."

I inclined my head for Mikey and Tanner to check on Kyle and I gently rub the back of Sage's hand, "I won't lie and say there isn't blame to go around because there is. Truth is we've all neglected Sage and I plan to change that. I want to look into who attacked her. It's not like the cops are doing a damn thing about it." Rage fills my blood everytime I think about that night, finding Sage bloodied and left for dead.

"I agree. We've been so focused on Sage's health that things have fallen through the cracks. I'll get our family PI in contact with you once things have settled down and Sage is healthy enough to tell us what happened." That's what I'm afraid of because I'll probably kill the fuckers that raped her.

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