Chapter 15

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I keep staring at Sage as if I'm dreaming. She's awake and talking, granted she's agitated as fuck, but Dr. Stone says it's normal for coma patients to experience some agitation after waking up.

By some miracle the overdose hasn't caused any permanent damage. She's still a bit confused as to what happened, but we've agreed not to bring it up until she can absolutely handle it.

"You know your timing's perfect, little sister." Kyle chuckles and kicks his feet up on Sage's bed. "Your birthday is tomorrow and Gramps and Nana are totally planning something with Mom. Think of the coma gift jackpot"

I don't miss the way Sage's body tenses at the mention of her mother or the way the fist curls at her sides. "Hey it's just a family thing, nothing big and Gramps even has a video of Pippa for you." Her baby blue eyes brighten at the mention of her horse her grandparents bought her for her fifteenth birthday.

"Oh! I miss her so much!" She presses her hands to her cheeks excitement in her eyes. I chuckle and stretch my arms behind my head, "Don't let Chestnut hear you say that." Her eyes snap to mine a smile on her face and something shifts inside me, this fierce need to keep this girl smiling. "Well Chestnut has to realize that he's got to share me."

"Have you met that horse? I swear he never lets anyone but you ride him." Kyle jokes just as a knock sounds and I see Sage tense up the moment her mother pokes her head in the door.

"Oh my sweet girl!" She rushes into the room and Sage's hand clutches mine in a death grip the moment Kendall throws her arms around her daughter. My gaze shifts between Kyle and Kingsley, who's obviously doing his best to keep things civil with his ex wife for the benefit of their children. "You, my sweet girl, had everyone worried sick."

"Mom, ease up, alright." Kyle clears his throat before rubbing Sage's arm. "She's overwhelmed and I'm sure you're not making things better right now." Kendall recoiled as if she'd been slapped, her grey eyes filled with tears, "I.. I just want to see her. She's my daughter for goodness sake!"

"Enough!" Kingsley roars, his tolerance for his ex wife expiring. "It's not about you, Kenny. It's about Sage. For once, can't you just put her first, please." Here we fucking go. Kendall's eyes narrow on her ex-husband as the two begin bickering. Sage's shoulders sag and her hand trembles in mine. I give her a squeeze and nod to Kyle as he begins refereeing his parents spat.

"It's okay, Sage. Just tune them out and breathe. I've got you, Firefly" I whisper and her pale blue eyes widened on me. "I dreamt that you called me that. I... kept hearing it and it brought me back." I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest.

"That's enough!" Nana yells and Sage's eyes widen with shock. "Look, you're freaking her out. Calm the hell down before they kick us out." We all turn our attention to Sage, who's silently watching this exchange with her parents with teary eyes. "oh, pumpkin. I'm sorry to startle you." Nana bundles her into arms and Sage cries.

"I don't want anyone fighting because of me. I'm sick of it." She sniffles as Gramps stands next to his wife and strokes his granddaughter's hair, "Sweet pea, don't you fret over your parents inability to be civilized. I know what would cheer my girl up. How about I show you how much Pippa's grown since you've seen her last." Gramps smiles pulling out his phone and just like that Sage's smile lit up the room as we all fell into easy conversations about holiday plans and trips down memory lane.

"Is it too late for us to crash the family reunion." Tanner asked as he and Mikey piled in the room, which was getting pretty crowded. "Of course not, Tanner." Sage smiled and stifled a yawn. I nodded to my friends as Tanner gave Sage a kiss on the forehead. "You always did know how to make an entrance, Kid." She giggles as he ruffles her hair. Mikey takes his spot and gently hugs Sage before he too kisses her forehead, "It's good to see those baby blues open, Rockstar."

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