Chapter 17

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"Her tits were like right there begging for me to fuck them." Mikey's voice broke through my thoughts of Sage. We'd finished classes for the day and were hanging out in the quad waiting on Kyle to finish his study group.

"Earth to Kade." Mikey waved his hands in my face and I blinked, "Huh? Right the blonde with well done fake tits." See, I listen sometimes. Mikey generally doesn't go for the fake tits girls unless they're done unnoticeably. He smirks and steals one of my fries, "We still having game night at Casa Henderson/McCarthy?"

Shit! With everything going on with Sage since she'd woken up, I completely forgot about game night. "Not sure. I'm gonna go see Sage today with Kyle." I absently chugged my water as I watched Kyle cross the quad, his eyes tracking a leggy blonde haired girl. "Freshman?" Mikey chuckled following Kyle's gaze. The girl flipped her shoulder length blonde hair over her shoulder and glances back at Kyle, who had changed direction following behind her.

"What a fucking dog." Erin Adams materialized next to me, her brown hair in a messy bun. "Honestly, you'd think these girls would know that by now." Her glare is venomous as she watches Kyle exchange numbers with the freshman. Mikey clears his throat and arches a brow, "So does Sage know you fucked her brother last year?"

I promptly spit the water I'd just tipped into my mouth out. "What the fuck!? When was this?" Erin's face reddens under her fake tan and she tosses a fry at Mikey. "That's why it would never be you, fuck face." Mikey smirks and he raises his brows at Erin, a secret in his gaze and judging by how Adams is stiffening beside me just as Kyle walks over, has my curiosity heightened.

"Who doesn't love freshman pussy?" Kyle smirks and fist pumps both Mikey and I. "Uh you lost, Adams. I'm pretty sure Hunter's in class if you're looking for dick." He laughs and sits besides Mikey. Erin flips him off with a manicured finger. "Fuck all of you! Hunter and I are friends."

"You did that already, doll." Mikey chuckled and palms his dick through his jeans. "I seem to recall walking in on you getting railed by Kade here at the Henderson Christmas party freshman year." He holds up one finger. "Then there's the time I walked in on you getting dicked down by Kyle during spring break last year." He pauses a wicked smirk curving his lips and he holds up a third finger. "Then there was the fucking of your life by yours truly."

I won't lie and say that Erin Adams wasn't a good time. Girl rides cock like a pro, but we both were trying to get over people we can't or shouldn't have in my case. Kyle shot Erin a wink and licked his lips, "If sweet little Erin is down for a repeat, I'm sure I can work something out." Mikey and I burst out laughing as Erin smacks my arm, her blue eyes lethal.

"You assholes! Does Tanner know about any of this?" She frowns and a flicker of fear passes in her gaze. I smirk and throw my arm around Mikey's shoulders, "What kind of friends would we be to keep that from him, hmm?"

Her perfectly sculpted brows arched in surprise. "And he's not mad at you? Just me?" Her gaze snags on the man himself whistling as he walks towards us. "I've got to go. Oh! I heard Sage's awake! Tell her I'm coming to see her after I visit my mom this weekend!" She darts off just as Tanner stops in front of us his eyes tracking her movement. "What I miss?"

"Oh just reminding your on again off again fuck buddy of how we all dicked her down." Mikey supplies and Tanner's brows shoot up, "why would that come up?" Kyle sighs as we start walking to the parking lot, "She slut shammed me, man."

I couldn't help it, I fucking cackled and he smack me in the chest. "Hey! It's not my fault you can't keep that shit in your pants, fucker." Kyle's my boy, but man he most definitely will fuck any hot chick in his sight. "Look, just because I like fucking doesn't make me a slut. I'm almost exclusively fuck buddies with Gabi." He pouts standing next to his Range Rover.

I hop in the front seat because roommate privilege and all that shit. Tanner leans over my window as Mikey takes up the backseat behind me, "You still on that chick?" He asks his gray eyes lit with amusement. Kyle shrugs and starts the SUV, "What can I say she's a good time and she's totally cool with our arrangement."

That doesn't sound like the Gabi I knew, but whatever. I turned my attention to Tanner. "Don't you have your own drama of the fem persuasion?" His brows furrow as he turns toward his own car. "Trust me that ship has sailed as far as Erin Adams is concerned. I'm done chasing a girl that doesn't appreciate the awesomeness that is Tanner James!"

"Fuck yeah, bro!" I held my fist out and we fist pump. "Pack some shit and let's have a boys weekend!" Mikey slaps the back of my seat in excitement. "Think Rosie's down to make pizzas?" Kyle shrugs as Tanner shoots us a salute before getting in his car. "I'll have some blunts rolled for you lazy fuckers!" He yells as we peel out the lot.

We made a pit stop for snacks and beer before heading home and I spot Lola just getting out of her car, lugging her backpack and an overnight bag. "Hey, baby, let me get that for you." I kiss her lightly and take her bags from her as she gives me a sigh in thanks. "Thanks. I ordered takeout for you degenerates so Rosie can have a night off." She takes my keys and opens the front door for me.

Before I can thank her, Kyle breezes by and ruffles my hair. "I'm gonna change and go see Sage. Dad said she's going away once she's discharged at the end of the week." His pale blue narrow. "How'd she take the whole treatment thing anyway?"

My eyes flick toward the kitchen where Lola was setting out the food when Mikey waltzed in on the phone and immediately headed for the family room. "Uh surprisingly she seemed cool. I think she finally hit rock bottom." I rub the back of my neck before sliding my gaze to my best friend. "She remembers being raped, man."

Kyle's entire body tenses up, fury coming off him in waves and while normally I'd talk him down before he does something stupid, however the more I think about finding her in that pool house, the more I feel my own fury coursing through my veins.

"Your dad called Artie. Now that Sage is awake and getting help, we can focus on finding the fucker that did this and making him pay." My body shakes and Kyle's eyes darkened with the promise that matches my own: vengeance for those who dare touch what's ours.

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