Chapter 9

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Kaden, Present

"Whoever invented eight a.m's need to be shot." Mikey yawned next to me during Econ. Having an eight a.m. is not ideal during senior year, but I don't mind it. "Bro, I told you to switch to afternoon classes, but no, you want to have your afternoons free for pussy."

Mikey smirks before his focus zeros in on a redhead I've never seen before. I do, however, notice Erin sitting with Hunter Kane and I nudge Mikey back to the present. "When did those two start hanging out?"

Mikey scratches his curly brown hair, his eyes flickering to the couple in question, whose heads are close together. "Tanner needs to get over that bitch." He mumbled, his gaze back on the redhead and I nudge him, "you know that girl?" I ask as the professor walks in, "yeah apparently that girl that uh Sage made out with is her younger sister. Olivia something."

"Speaking of Sage," I rubbed my face and sighed, "I'm having a small get together at the hospital. I read that audio stimulation can help with coma patients and it'll be nice for her to have people who care about her there."

He nods and fist pumps me. "Hey, I'm all about doing what it takes to get Sage back. She can't spend her birthday in a coma, man. How'd the family take it?" I'd spoken to her parents and they were on board with it and Kyle shocked the hell out of me when he came around. "They're still doing something on her birthday, but they're fine with it, including Kyle." I rushed out as the lecture began.

Once class let out, I headed back to the house since I didn't have another class until one, I'd get some much needed sleep. I woke up around eleven and grabbed the leftovers Rosie had in the fridge from breakfast, when Kyle walked in shirtless and I glanced at the clock with a raised brow, "Up before one? How very college student of you."

"Fuck off, dude. My study session ran late last night and Brielle came by and then we ended up fucking all night. I'm exhausted, bro." He grabs a coffee mug and makes himself a coffee. "So uh have you spoken to your parents about Sage's birthday?" I asked cautiously. Kyle tends to avoid anything having to with Sage and his agreeing to come to the hospital is huge for him.

He stood short of taking a sip of coffee, his eyes narrowing slightly and sets his cup down. "Already spoken to Kendall and Kingsley about playing nice." He tilts his head in regards to me, "you seem kind of invested in Sage's recovery. I know I haven't been stepping up, but I'm working through shit in my head, you know."

I'd finished up my leftover breakfast bowl and set my dishes in the dishwasher before turning to Kyle. He looks completely relaxed right now and whatever he's doing it's working for him. "It's no problem, bro. You're family and as fucking annoying as Sage is she's like my little sister...only worse." We both burst out laughing as the front door alarm sounds.

Our faces brighten with smiles as Gramps and Nana Chandler walked into the kitchen followed by Ms. Chandler. "Mom, you didn't tell me Nana and Gramps were in town. I'd have Veronica and Angelica set up a guest room for them." Kyle frowned at his mother before hugging his grandmother and kissing her cheek. "Nana, the bangs look lovely on you."

"Oh stop fussing, Kyle. Your grandparents insisted on staying at the inn near the hospital." Kendall smiles faintly and kisses Kyle's cheek. "How's training been?"

Kyle freezes his greeting to his grandfather and shifts his gaze to me, his blue eyes narrowed in suspicion before he turns to his mother. "It's an adjustment, but I think I'll be ready by the time practice starts up again."

"That's good, son. You've always had an incredible arm on you. I'd hate for all that talent to go to waste." His grandpa chimes in. The last thing Kyle needs right now is more pressure, so I do what best friends do, I deflect.

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