Chapter 45

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"Sorry that took so long boys, but I just got word from Kendall that Sage's at Lakeside Medical getting checked out. The DA on the case was kind enough to meet her there to get her statement and she'll be here shortly to get your accounts on what occurred and hopefully we'll be able to avoid any possible assault charges Townsend's attorney will try to demand." Kevin, Tanner's older brother assured us once he'd closed the door to the interrogation room we've been sequestered to for the last three hours.

"Thanks for coming down, Kev." Kyle sighs and drags his hand down his face. His knuckles were as bruised as mine from beating the fuck out of that asshole. The thought of what Sage went through fillsy blood with rage and makes me want to find Holden and kill him. "She didn't tell you, did she?" Kyle asks, turning to me. It's the first time he's spoken to me since he found out about our relationship.

"No, but now it makes sense," I replied with a yawn before turning to Kevin. When the police arrived, Tanner had the good sense to call his brother, because his dad was currently on the east coat with his mom. "What happens now?" He removed his jacket and folds it over the back of a vacant chair and frowns. "Now we look at dropping those aggravated assault charges. Sage's statement should be enough to proof that you were only trying to protect her, but I won't lie Holden's injuries are pretty gruesome for simply stopping an attempted rape."

My fingers drummed on the metal table beneath them anxiously. Will it he that simple? From what I've heard of the Townsends, the amount of cover ups at their disposal will make Harvey Weinstein seem like child's play. Kevin's gaze bounces between the two of us and he laces his fingers together. "My brother said she's handling things as well as can be expected, but the detective on the case is or at least potentially on Townsend's payroll."

"What the fuck?!" Kyle growls and slams his hand in the table, now that he's stopped pacing the floor in. "Can we get him off the case?" The door swings open before Kevin could respond and a young woman with long red hair, pale blue eyes and a smirk saunturs into the room, bringing the scent of winter and cigarettes behind her. "That's not necessary boys. I assure you detective Gentry understand the ramifications of pissing the wrong families off."

"Jesus, Allie, have some decorum," Kevin chasties her with a contradictory eye roll. "Shouldn't you be with your boss getting Sage's statement?" Allie merely winks at Kyle as she shrugs out of her leather jacket and I notice she's wearing a band T and jeans. She drops into the chair beside me and kick her leather boots up on the table. "I was, James." She sighs, glancing at the Versace watch dripping in diamonds on her wrist. A far contrast from her attitude, but nonetheless impressive. "Oh, I'm here to deliver a message. Were your clients rights violated at all? It helps if they were coerced into a false confession."

I've known Kevin since junior high and the guy's always been cool as a cucumber, but this woman seems to be unnerving him quickly. "Look, Allison, I don't have time for games. My clients-" His head turns as the door slams open once more and the burly officer that shoved me into the back of his cruiser, Bowers glares daggers at us. "You're free to go! I swear you rich fuckers get away with everything!"

"Charges dropped then?" Kyle asked as he rakes his fingers through his dark hair. His eyes dart over to me and then in true Kyle fashion, the fucker rolls his fucking eyes. "I'm sorry for earlier. I was.." he trails off and I shake my head him. Kyle's my best friend and I know he needs time to process everything so I won't force him to be okay with my relationship with his sister. Not that his approval or lack there of would change anything. "It's cool, man, I'm not expecting you to just magically forgive and forget because some asshole decided to touch what doesn't belong to him." My eyes burn and my blood floods through my veins like lava when I think about what I walked in on.

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