Chapter 47

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I watch as my girls eyes close and this perfect calm settles into my bones. A small little part of me has a sense of peace that I helped Sage put a piece of herself back in place again. As I lay there, simply stroking her golden skin with my fingertips and relishing in the goosebumps that follow behind. In the sweet little sounds she makes when she sleeps and as my hand drifts to her stomach, the sticky evidence of just how much power this woman has over me lies on her stomach down her perfect little pussy and dripping down my sheets.

I debate waking her up for a shower and food since I know she hasn't eaten anything since our movie date when my phone buzzes on my nightstand beside her. Reaching over Sage, I grab it and she turns draping herself over me and nuzzles my neck. I grin at the text Kyle sends.

Kyle: I hate you both and you're paying for the ear bleach and my therapist fucker.

I snicker and send a reply.

Me: Is someone cranky because he didn't get his dick wet?
Kyle: Gross, man you're dating my sister. And who said I didn't get my dick wet?

Of course he is, because my best friend is a notorious manwhore, self proclaimed or not. Kyle's conquests practically have their own fan page for him and his um skills in the bedroom or wherever he can fuck them at.

Me: Sage will kill you if you fuck Vanessa.
Kyle: If I can be cool with her dating you she can be cool with Nessa and I spending time together.
Me: Your funeral.

Not that I think Sage would actually murder her brother, but she's taken the raven haired girl sleeping down the hall as her friend and I think she's actually good for, unlike Erin Adams who can't decide if she's down for playing games with Kyle or having a stable relationship with Tanner.

"Who's that?" Sage mumbles beside me. She cracks one eye open and I show her my phone because no secrets in this relationship. Once she's seen the exchange between her brother and I, her eyes pop open and she sits up, glaring at my phone with a growl at the back of her throat. "He better not fuck her over. Nessa's such a sweet girl and my friend and if he hurts her I'll cut his dick off! He'll just have to pay for the therapy we'll both need!" She promptly climbs out of my bed and I watch, with a mixture of amusement and lust as her naked ass strides to the door, hand poised on the handle before she realizes she's naked as the day she was born when she turns her wrath on me.

"You were just gonna let me walk out of here naked?" She asks with a quirked brow and slender hands on her hips. My eyes wonder on the drying cum on her inner and stomach and I grin as I sit up in bed, pleased when her eyes wonder to the semi that's hardening under her heated stare. Watching her plump lips, even plumper from my kiss part isn't helping my libido that wants to sink into her tight, little pussy.

"Actually, I was hoping you'd come to that realization on your own and shower with me instead of walking around with my come sticking to your perfect skin," I pout as I climb out of bed and stepping towards her. "Though, I won't lie and say I dint enjoy watching you walk around naked." Truthfully, Sage's always had a killer body. For someone who spent years abusing drugs and alcohol, Sage somehow managed to keep her body physically fit. Sobriety though, has never looked more beautiful on her.

"If I get in that shower with you, I'll only get dirty again," She muses, closing the distance between us to run her hands up my chest and around my neck. "I want to get on the phone with a decorator and completely remodel my room it's... I just want a fresh start," she sighs as I pull her into my arms and rest my chin on the top of her head. "Tell you what, while you shower, I'll go grab whatever you need from your room and then we can get breakfast before your brother murders me."

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