Chapter 42

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"You weren't kidding about your mom going completely nuts for this party," Nessa grumbles beside me, her charcoal gaze sweeping over the winter wonderland that was our living room as guests moved about the space, no doubt networking and solidifying business deals for the year to come. My skin prickles with unease and Nessa loops her arm through mine in comfort. "It's alright, Sage," She reassures me with a smile on her plum cover lips. My parents both insisted I didn't need to attend the festivities tonight, but it's been so ingrained into every fiber of my being to do what is expected, not what I want or what is in my best interests.

"Didn't Lindsey say she would be here tonight?" Nessa asks, accepting an hors d'oeuvre from a passing server. "These little crab cakes are so fucking good. I've already stolen four from the kitchen." My gaze lingers towards the doorway in hopes of spotting my honey haired friend and sure enough it's not her I see, but her father, Senator Christian Hamilton himself. He's accompanied by a woman who looks to be in her late twenties, but the resemblance between her and the senator is uncanny, even more than the one he bears to his youngest daughter whom has appeared behind them with her honey locks in a tight bun on top of her head, make up more natural despite the festive ambience.

Lindsey Hamilton steps through the doors in a long black winter coat and if I was into chicks, she'd definitely be my type. Without thought I cross the room, maneuvering through the mingling guests and before I could greet my friend, her father in all his pretentious glory thrust his hand out in front of me as his coat is being taken by the staff. "What a lovely surprise! I didn't expect you'd be home from Hillcrest, Sage, was it?" A smirk plays on his full lips. A part of me, newly awoken from years of placation and compliance wants to tell him where he can shove his pompous hand, but one quick glance at Lindsey tells me it won't end well for her if I address her father in such a manner. So I do what I've been poised to do... I smile brightly and take his outstretched hand in my own, his cold grip tight in the embrace of my warmth. "Senator, it's so lovely to see you again. I hope we weren't imposing on any plans you and your family had for the New Year's?"

He laughs as he pulls his hand away and his eldest tucks her arm back into the crook of his elbow. My gaze flicks between the two and the way she plasters herself to her father's side is unnatural. "Oh, of course not. When Lindsey mentioned how close the two of you had become and that you'd extended an invitation I couldn't say no. It pleases me that my daughter has found true friendship in such a troubling time, but you know all about troubles, don't you, Sage?"

The smirk tugging his lips, all taunting and domineering makes me want to slap it right off, but Nessa's hand tightens on my arm, a warning. "Hillcrest has been a learning experience that's for sure, but meeting Lindsey and Vanessa has made it so much more enjoyable." I grabbed a flute from a passing serving and sip the chilled liquid. My mother made sure that I could identify the servers with alcohol and those without and since I wasn't interested in drinking champagne at the moment, the taste of sparkling cider was welcome.

"I thought you were sober?" Lindsey's sister comments, shooting a look of disdain at me. Lindsey remains silent behind her sister and father, with a brow arched in question. Channeling my inner Blaire Waldorf, a smirk tugs at my lips as I twirl the bubbly beverage in my glass. "Oh, I've never had an alcohol issue... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Lindsey didn't mention you I'm afraid." My eyes narrow on her as she stole a glance at her father and I extend my hand. Unease prickled my nerves and I hope I'm wrong about the feeling I'm getting from the two of them.

"I apologize, Sage," Lindsey steps forward, carefully avoiding touching her sister. "This is my older sister Annabelle. Anna, this is Sage and Vanessa," Annabelle doesn't make a move to accept my introduction and I note the sister's a bitch before I pull my hand away. "Well, I sincerely hope you enjoy yourselves this evening and happy new year's to you guys. Mr. Hamilton, I could escort you toy father. He's probably in the man cave discussing business with his friends?" I offer and he flicks his gaze to his daughters briefly before offering me his elbow. "That would be lovely, Sage."

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