Happy birthday, Hyuga!

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It's not really funny at all (sorry! :|)but I wanted to get a birthday chapter out for Hyuga~ Happy birthday to our megane captain! (16 May)

Aida Riko to Hyuga Junpei: Happy birthday to the best captain on Earth! I made you a cake! I'll bring it round to your place later! :D

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Kiyoshi Teppei, Furihata Koki and 24 others like this.

Kagami Taiga Um, Coach, I think Captain would appreciate it if he wasn't lying face-down on the floor on his birthday. Or with his head hanging in a toilet.

2 hours ago· Like · 13 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Coach, please don't make Captain's birthday his death anniversary as well. But happy birthday, Captain. Many happy returns of the day.

2 hours ago· Like · 18 people like this

Aida Riko What do you mean, the two of you? o.O

2 hours ago· Like · 2 people like this

Kiyoshi Teppei Ummm, nothing, Riko! Shh, you guys! You don't want our training to be tripled, do you?

2 hours ago· Like · 5 people like this

Mibuchi Reo HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUNPEI-CHAN~ :* ❤ But the best captain would have to be our Sei-chan, hohoho~ ❣ His swag is out of this world~~ Agh! /fans self

2 hours ago· Like · 6 people like this

Kise Ryouta No no no, the best captain is our fabulous Kasamatsu-senpai!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Although he kicks me so much, I know he does it out of lurrrrve~ And his socks are so cute~ Literally sock goals, am I right? ヽ( ★ω★)ノ

2 hours ago· Like · 7 people like this

Fukui Kensuke Excuse me, but Okamura is the coolest captain. Albeit the ugliest. #uglinessgoals

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Okamura Kenichi Was that supposed to be a compliment or an insult??? TT^TT

2 hours ago· Like · 6 people like this

Fukui Kensuke But despite his hairy gorilla face, caterpillar eyebrows, Kylie Jenner lips and botched-up jaw, he's an awesome captain who lets his teammates bully him!!!

2 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this

Kagami Taiga You Yosen people are seriously as bonkers as you are abnormally tall.

2 hours ago· Like · 5 people like this

Takao Kazunari Geez, Otsubo-senpai is the absolute BOMB! Anyone who can tolerate Shin-chan's tsundere-ness is AWESOMESAUCE~

2 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Are you talking about yourself, Takao-kun?

2 hours ago· Like · 5 people like this

Takao Kazunari Right you are! ;) I'm pretty fab, aren't I? Told cha I was Shin-chan's bae~

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Midorima Shintaro For the love of Oha Asa, shut up! Go away, Takao.

2 hours ago· Like · 5 people like this

Takao Kazunari Okay bye...... SHIN-CHAN? knockknockknockknockknockknock DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN~?

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this

Midorima Shintaro OTSUBO-SENPAI, PLEASE GET HIM OFF HIS COMPUTER. Takao + his computer = comments even grosser than Aomine's face

2 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this

Wakamatsu Kosuke YEAAAAHHH I AGREE ABOUT AOMINE'S BURNT PANCAKE FACE. BUT IMAYOSHI-SENPAI IS THE BEST! Simply being able to be around that Ahomine without ripping out his balls is an achievement in itself!!!

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Nijimura Shuzo All of you just zip it. I put up with all of those weirdos and their bipolar-ness, snack and I-will-crush-you obsessions, annoying pretty boy sparkles, lucky-item-nanodayos AND ore-sama pervy-ness. Now who's the best captain?

2 hours ago· Like · 16 people like this

Hyuga Junpei ....... Okay, just logged onto Facebook and now my head is spinning. How did my birthday post end up as a Who Wants to Be the Best Captain nomination list?

2 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this

Kagami Taiga On second thoughts, I think you need Coach's cake, Captain.

2 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Definitely. It will put you out of misery.

2 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

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