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It's Bakagami's turn to shine! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU DORK <3 (2 August)


Kagami Taiga Thank you to the Seirin peeps for the awesome birthday dinner after training today! You guys rock and I'm so thankful for you all.

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Mitobe Rinnosuke, Hyuga Junpei and 27 others like this.

Hyuga Junpei Remind me never to treat you to dinner again if I don't want to go bankrupt before the age of seventeen.

4 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Yes, I agree. Your appetite is as needlessly huge as your feet, Kagami-kun.

4 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this

Himuro Tatsuya Happy birthday, bro. :) Your father actually asked me to get you a gift on his behalf, have you received it?

4 hours ago · Like · 8 people like this

Kagami Taiga Whoa, really?

4 hours ago · Like · 6 people like this

Kagami Taiga Wait, someone's at the door.

4 hours ago · Like · 5 people like this


4 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya All you want for your birthday is a big booty hoe?

4 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this


4 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this

Akashi Seijuro I am appalled, Tetsuya. Where do you pick up all these things?

4 hours ago · Like · 12 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Nigahiga.

4 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Well, young man. You are banned from the Internet as of today.

4 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya That reminds me, Kagami-kun. I have another present for you. I present to you a rap/poem that I have written for you.

4 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this

Kagami Taiga Shit. Someone drag him away from his computer!!!

4 hours ago · Like · 16 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya You may be a dick, but yo eyebrows on fleek. Your Meteor Jam is better than them, from the Emperor Eye to the blonde-haired guy. Or the guy who wears glasses to the one addicted to molasses. You may not be bright, but you'll always be my light. Better than the guy who's as dark as the night.

4 hours ago · Like · 19 people like this

Hyuga Junpei I told you not to let him drink so much vanilla milkshake, Kagami. Now he's on one of his weird sugar-rush moods.

4 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this

Kagami Taiga I didn't want my birthday to end up my death anniversary as well. Did you see how he growled at me when I tried to take away his vanilla milkshake???

4 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this

Aomine Daiki Wow, thanks, Tetsu. THANKS.

4 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this

Akashi Seijuro I need to restrict his access to the Internet- and vanilla milkshakes- before he ruins all of us with his poems.

4 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Vanilla milkshake is my bae, tear us apart and you won't be okay.

4 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this


I actually didn't plan on updating, so sorry for the short and crappy chapter. I really gotta go study for my Geography test tomorrow and deal with a whole bunch of stressful shit. OTL

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