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Kasamatsu Yukio WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE?! Moriyama, Kise, Hayakawa, Kobori!!! I don't know what club you think you're in, but it's not the Slacker Express Club. It happens to be called a BASKETBALL CLUB. So would you mind TURNING UP FOR PRACTICE??? Or would it kill you, huh?!

Like · Comment · 4 hours ago

Imayoshi Shoichi, Hyuga Junpei and 22 others like this.

Kasamatsu Yukio If I don't see some balls in some hands pretty soon, you're all gonna get kicked.

4 hours ago · Like · 12 people like this  


4 hours ago · Like · 8 people like this  

Kasamatsu Yukio Did you all get run over by a truck or something???

3 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this  

Kasamatsu Yukio Seriously. You can't die. Especially you, Kise.

3 hours ago · Like · 9 people like this  


3 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this  

Imayoshi Shoichi Ah, the troubles of a captain. I know them all too well.

3 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this  

Okamura Kenichi At least your teammates don't tell you to shave your chin off on a daily basis!!! T_T

3 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this  

Liu Wei And your eyebrows.

3 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this  

Fukui Kensuke And your sideburns. You should seriously burn them off.

3 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this  

Imayoshi Shoichi Let me give you a piece of advice based on my personal experience. Just threaten to burn their Horikita Mai magazines. Seriously, it works like a charm.

3 hours ago · Like · 9 people like this  

Aomine Daiki You looking for that blonde idiot? Just saw him and your squad at the mall.

3 hours ago · Like · 12 people like this  

Kise Ryouta AOMINECCHI!!! (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)

3 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this  

Kasamatsu Yukio KISE!!! Tell me, in 10 words or less, why I shouldn't kick your sorry ass.

3 hours ago · Like · 12 people like this  

Kise Ryouta Ummmm....... Because I'm your KISEki? (。✿‿✿。)

3 hours ago · Like · 16 people like this  

Kasamatsu Yukio Nice try, Kise. Did you get possessed by Seirin's Izuki?

3 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this  

Izuki Shun It's a hundred years too shun for you to catch up to me!

3 hours ago · Like · 17 people like this  

Hyuga Junpei Please excuse my teammate over here. I think he was dropped on the head as a baby.

3 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this  

Izuki Shun It's so sad to be shunned because of my pun. :( Hey, that kind of rhymed!

3 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this  

Kasamatsu Yukio Kise, you'd better tell me or I will tear out the magazine covers you were on, draw hair coming out of your nostrils and ears, and put them up all around the school. 

3 hours ago · Like · 16 people like this  

Kise Ryouta NOOOOOOO! MY REPUTATION!! ヾ( ๑'д'๑)ツ

3 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this  

Kasamatsu Yukio And I'll rip that annoying earring out of your ear.

3 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this  

Moriyama Yoshitaka ....... I guess we have to tell you, before our ace loses his reputation. Not to mention his ear.

3 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this  

Kobori Koji We were preparing stuff for your birthday. :|

3 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this  


3 hours ago · Like · 8 people like this  

Kasamatsu Yukio Can't you at least talk (or rather, type) properly online?! And nice try, but why would you need to do it THREE DAYS before my birthday, and DURING PRACTICE? Do you think I was born yesterday???

3 hours ago · Like · 9 people like this  

Kise Ryouta You're so mean, senpai!!! (;*△*;) We're really preparing for your birthday! We just want to get started really early! I even finally found these really cute socks with my face printed all over them so you can wear them during games! o(*≧□≦)o

3 hours ago · Like · 14 people like this  

Takeuchi Genta He's just being all shy, you guys. He's blushing like a tomato right now. 

3 hours ago · Like · 17 people like this  

Hayakawa Mitsuhiro COACCHHHH!!! 

3 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this  

Kise Ryouta Awww, you're so cute, senpai! (♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡

3 hours ago · Like · 13 people like this  


3 hours ago · Like · 12 people like this  

Kise Ryouta Wait. Crap. Oh my God. That means he could have seen all those comments I made about his... (☍д⁰)

3 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this  

Takeuchi Genta Your whole "come to Kaijo if you want to see lumps of fats" comment? Oh yes, Kise. I've seen them.

3 hours ago · Like · 16 people like this  

Kise Ryouta Shit.

3 hours ago · Like · 15 people like this  


HAPPY (EARLY) BIRTHDAY KASAMATSU! Keep rocking those socks! Posting early because why not? XD

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