Fifty Shades

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Aomine Daiki Who wants to go watch Fifty Shades of Grey with me? You in, Tetsu?

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Himuro Tatsuya, Alex Garcia and 15 others like this.

Kise Ryouta EHHH? SOMEONE CALL THE PRESS. You're interested, Aominecchi? (ノ゚0゚)ノ~ The girl doesn't have big boobs! (๑•́ ω •̀๑)

1 hour ago · Like · 3 people like this

Aomine Daiki Don't be dumb. Boobs aren't everything.

1 hour ago · Like · 10 people like this

Kagami Taiga Did I really just hear you say that??? You, who practically inhales boobs for survival?? You, who lives in the Dungeon of Boobs??? Hang on, I need to screenshot this.

1 hour ago · Like · 9 people like this

Midorima Shintaro Technically, you saw him type that. 

1 hour ago · Like

Kagami Taiga God. Do you have a stick up your ass or something?

1 hour ago · Like 

Takao Kazunari Actually, yes. His lucky item today is a suppository HAHAHAHAHA. You know, the kind of pills you stick up your butthole. XD 

1 hour ago · Like · 8 people like this

Midorima Shintaro TAKAO!!!!!!! And for your information, I'm just carrying it in my hand as I do with all my lucky items, not in anywhere southerly!!!

1 hour ago · Like · 10 people like this

Akashi Seijuro I think you are all missing the point of this highly inappropriate post. Daiki, tell me in less than 50 words why I shouldn't make your body end up in fifty shades of red for trying to drag Tetsuya into your disturbing hobbies.

1 hour ago · Like · 13 people like this

Aomine Daiki Boobs aren't everything, but HOT DAMN. WHO NEEDS BOOBS WHEN YOU HAVE HANDCUFFS? 

1 hour ago · Like 


1 hour ago · Like 

Akashi Seijuro Excuse me? Do I look like I have mammary glands?

1 hour ago · Like · 15 people like this

Kagami Taiga HAHAHAHA MAMMARY GLANDS. #emperorproblems 

1 hour ago · Like · 7 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Sure, Aomine-kun. I will be glad to accompany you.

1 hour ago · Like · 19 people like this

Kagami Taiga WHAT? Is everyone on crack today or something???

1 hour ago · Like · 4 people like this

Kise Ryouta KUROKOCCHI!!!! MY LOVELY PURE KUROKOCCHI!!! (●///▽///●) 

1 hour ago · Like · 3 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Tetsuya, I command you not to go anywhere with this lewd... organism.

1 hour ago · Like · 12 people like this

Aomine Daiki I know organism means 'living thing', which technically I am, but WHY DO I FEEL SO INSULTED?

1 hour ago · Like · 5 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Be glad I even acknowledge that you're alive, Daiki. 

1 hour ago · Like · 3 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya But Akashi-kun, I would really like to rekindle my friendship with Aomine-kun. I would like to see him smile again.

1 hour ago · Like · 9 people like this

Akashi Seijuro That is exactly what I am afraid of, Tetsuya. The kind of... smile he will have when watching that movie. You might be in danger.

1 hour ago · Like · 7 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Eh? Why is that so?

1 hour ago · Like 

Kagami Taiga #innocentkidproblems

1 hour ago · Like · 7 people like this

Aomine Daiki #hashtagproblems

1 hour ago · Like · 6 people like this

Akashi Seijuro .......

1 hour ago · Like · 3 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya -Nigou eyes-

1 hour ago · Like · 14 people like this

Akashi Seijuro ....... Very well.

1 hour ago · Like · 13 people like this

Kagami Taiga #biasproblems 

1 hour ago · Like · 3 people like this

Akashi Seijuro #ifyoudonotstopyouwillhavemanyproblems

1 hour ago · Like · 15 people like this

Aomine Daiki WHOOOO THANKS AKASHI. (Even though I have no idea why I'm even asking you for permission. Are you my mom or something?) LET'S GO, TETSU. For some reason I'm DYING to get out of here. I'll Whatsapp you the details.

1 hour ago · Like 

Akashi Seijuro Add me in the group as well. I'm going with you.

1 hour ago · Like · 7 people like this


1 hour ago · Like

Akashi Seijuro -brings out scissors-

1 hour ago · Like · 3 people like this

Kagami Taiga Seriously, are you going to be watching Fifty Shades of Grey or ending up in a pool of blood that's Fifty Shades of Red?

1 hour ago · Like · 6 people like this


A/N: And FYI, no, I've never watched the movie. Not my kind of thing, unlike Ahomine. HAHAHA.

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