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Kuroko Tetsuya This is our drama. We decide what the plot will be!

Like · Comment · 3 hours ago

Kiyoshi Teppei, Himuro Tatsuya and 18 others like this.

Hyuga Junpei Pfffft.

3 hours ago· Like · 5 people like this

Kagami Taiga KUROKO!!! 

3 hours ago· Like · 6 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya Please calm down, Kagami-kun. I am merely keeping a record of your cheesy line so that we will always remember it.

3 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Kagami Taiga Isn't it enough that you made it your ringtone???

3 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya No. It is too inspiring. I must share it with everyone.

3 hours ago· Like · 7 people like this

Kagami Taiga CAN'T YOU POST YOUR OWN LINES THEN, MR I-AM-A-SHADOW??? And what about the Generation of Miracles??? They have so many lame catchphrases that they can totally give up their title Generation of Miracles to form the Generation of Scriptwriters.

3 hours ago· Like · 13 people like this

Aomine Daiki Puh-lease, Akashi's "your head is too high"? HAHAHAHA. When you're as puny as Akashi, obviously everyone's heads look high to you, like duh. And what's with how he's always defying gravity with his flying jacket? 

3 hours ago· Like · 16 people like this

Kise Ryouta Gotta keep your head held highhhhh. There's always gonna be another mountain~ I'm always gonna wanna make it move~ o(≧∇≦o)

3 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this

Kagami Taiga /ignores Kise But whoa, haven't you been soiled enough pairs of pants by peeing in fear after going against Akashi?

3 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Akashi Seijuro You just never learn, do you? Just because you are all abnormally tall does not mean that I am short. 173cm is a perfectly acceptable height. And I am just so epic that even gravity does not dare to defy me. Rakuzan too, obviously. It just goes to show... even gravity is smarter than you are, Aomine.

3 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this


3 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this

Hayama Kotaro HELL YES. #rakuzwag

3 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this

Izuki Shun HAHAHA I remember that. "Our drama!" I was absolutely a-maize-d by how corny it is!

3 hours ago· Like · 14 people like this

Hyuga Junpei Oh my God, Izuki. STOP IT.

3 hours ago· Like · 8 people like this

Izuki Shun I know you loaf my puns. No bun intended.

3 hours ago· Like · 15 people like this

Hyuga Junpei I am so done with this team.

3 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

Izuki Shun No way, you won't aban-done us!  

3 hours ago· Like · 10 people like this

Kasamatsu Yukio KISE!!! If you've got time to sing freaking karaoke here, get your ass back to practice!!! It's like a freaking battlefield here. Coach just fainted, AGAIN. He choked himself with his tie and rolls of fats in an evidently unsuccessful attempt to impress the female coach from the female basketball team that came to observe. AND Moriyama made all the girls run screaming with his disgusting pick-up lines. 

3 hours ago· Like · 11 people like this

Mibuchi Reo SEI-CHAN!!! GET OFF FACEBOOK AND COME SAVE US. Eikichi just ate a whole barrel of durians and now his burps are killing off the entire Rakuzan team by the second!!! I don't think I can hold on much longer! 

3 hours ago· Like · 12 people like this

Hyuga Junpei ............ Well, maybe I do have it better than these two captains. At least everyone in Seirin is still alive.

3 hours ago· Like · 9 people like this

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