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Like · Comment · 6 hours ago

Kise Ryouta Eh!? Momocchi is pregnant? Σ(゜ロ゜;)

6 hours ago · Like 

Midorima Shintaro That was unexpected. I know Oha Asa said that Taurus has the worst luck today, but I never expected it to be that bad.

6 hours ago · Like 

Murasakibara Atsushi Eh...? Sacchin is pregnant? With what? I hope it's a maiubo... I'm craving some maiubo... But ah, I wouldn't mind a Pocky either... I want chocolate-flavored ones...

6 hours ago · Like · 6 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Shintaro, what are you talking about? This is great news. Congratulations, Satsuki. I will be sure to send some tonics. Also, I can recommend a good gynaecologist. Atsushi, please pay attention during Biology lessons. Perhaps then you will learn that maiubos don't grow in women's wombs.

6 hours ago · Like · 11 people like this

Aomine Daiki Firstly I'm not even going to ask how the hell you even know the word 'gynaecologist' and how you know a 'good gynaecologist'. Secondly... ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS, AKASHI? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? SATSUKI IS 16, OKAY?

6 hours ago · Like · 4 people like this

Akashi Seijuro Firstly, are you questioning my intelligence, Daiki? I don't think you have any right to do so, if that is the case. Secondly, you should have thought of that before you got her pregnant.

6 hours ago · Like · 9 people like this


6 hours ago · Like · 3 people like this

Kuroko Tetsuya I don't know what to say... Aomine-kun, please take care of Momoi-san.

6 hours ago · Like 

Aomine Daiki Stop ruining my reputation, Akashi! You and your damned mouth!

6 hours ago · Like 

Akashi Seijuro And what reputation might that be, Daiki? Your reputation as a... well, I am too polite to write it, but I think we all know you have done a spectacular job tarnishing your reputation without my help. And did I just see you curse my beautiful mouth, Daiki?

6 hours ago · Like · 10 people like this

Midorima Shintaro I pray the baby takes after Momoi. Can you imagine a mini-Aomine going around the kindergarten scaring little kids with his monkey-butt face and making them pee their pants?

6 hours ago · Like · 8 people like this

Momoi Satsuki GEEZ! First of all, I am NOT pregnant, okay? Second of all, EWWWWW, how could you think that it's Dai-chan's baby? Yucks! FYI, that's a thermometer, Dai-chan! Now I'm going to go over and burn all your disgusting magazines as punishment for your idiotic post!!

6 hours ago · Like · 6 people like this

Aomine Daiki Midorima, a carrot has no right to say that. Satsuki, I'm going to ignore the fact that you went 'ew' over the thought of my dick. Thank God you're not pregnant. But NOOOOO, anything but my Horikita Mai-chan collection!!! Akashi, HAHAHA LOL. Aren't you modest? Pffft.

6 hours ago · Like 

Kuroko Tetsuya Aomine-kun? Are you still alive?

2 hours ago · Like · 5 people like this

Kise Ryouta Probably not. (>o< )

1 hour ago · Like · 5 people like this

Momoi Satsuki Don't worry, Tetsu-kun, Ki-chan! I just found him walking around outside his house in his boxers with 'Akashi Seijuro's mouth is beautiful' written all over his face and body. (≧∇≦)/

1 hour ago · Like · 6 people like this

Akashi Seijuro That is what you get for defying me, peasant.

1 hour ago · Like · 11 people like this

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